停车场项目web, 互联网仓库, 开发完成后, 需要将代码回传云桌面.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1127 lines
19 KiB

export default {
pageSizeOptions: [15, 40, 100, 200], // 页码
pageSizeOptions1: [15, 40, 100, 200], // 页码
maxDate: 365, // 时间组件最大选择范围
eventStateList: [{
value: "0",
text: "未处理",
value: "1",
text: "已处理",
value: "2",
text: "忽略",
groupTypeList: [{
value: "1",
text: "按时间排序",
}, {
value: "2",
text: "按人数排序",
ColorType: [{
value: '1',
text: '黑色'
value: '2',
text: '白色'
value: '3',
text: '灰色'
value: '4',
text: '红色'
value: '5',
text: '蓝色'
value: '6',
text: '黄色'
value: '7',
text: '橙色'
value: '8',
text: '棕色'
value: '9',
text: '绿色'
value: '10',
text: '紫色'
value: '11',
text: '青色'
value: '12',
text: '粉色'
value: '13',
text: '透明'
value: '99',
text: '其他'
// 车牌类型
PlateClass: [{
value: '01',
text: '大型汽车号牌'
value: '02',
text: '小型汽车号牌'
value: '03',
text: '使馆汽车号牌'
value: '04',
text: '领馆汽车号牌'
value: '05',
text: '境外汽车号牌'
value: '06',
text: '外籍汽车号牌'
value: '07',
text: '普通摩托车号牌'
value: '08',
text: '轻便摩托车号牌'
value: '09',
text: '使馆摩托车号牌'
value: '10',
text: '领馆摩托车号牌'
value: '11',
text: '境外摩托车号牌'
value: '12',
text: '外籍摩托车号牌'
value: '13',
text: '低速车号牌'
value: '14',
text: '拖拉机号牌'
value: '15',
text: '挂车号牌'
value: '16',
text: '教练汽车号牌'
value: '17',
text: '教练摩托车号牌'
value: '20',
text: '临时入境汽车号牌'
value: '21',
text: '临时入境摩托车号牌'
value: '22',
text: '临时行驶车号牌'
value: '23',
text: '警用汽车号牌'
value: '24',
text: '警用摩托车号牌'
value: '25',
text: '原农机号牌'
value: '26',
text: '香港入出境号牌'
value: '27',
text: '澳门入出境号牌'
value: '31',
text: '武警号牌'
value: '32',
text: '军队号牌'
value: '99',
text: '其他号牌'
PlateType: [{
value: 1,
text: '大型汽车'
value: 2,
text: '小型汽车'
value: 3,
text: '使馆汽车'
value: 4,
text: '领馆汽车'
value: 5,
text: '境外汽车'
value: 6,
text: '外籍汽车'
value: 7,
text: '教练汽车'
value: 8,
text: '临时行驶车'
value: 9,
text: '警用汽车'
value: 10,
text: '大型新能源汽车'
value: 11,
text: '小型新能源汽车'
value: 12,
text: '残疾人专用车号牌'
PayChannel: [{
value: '1',
label: '余额'
value: '2',
label: '现金'
value: '3',
label: '支付宝'
value: '4',
label: '微信'
value: '5',
label: '招商银行'
value: '6',
label: '系统录入'
value: '7',
label: '数字人民币'
value: '8',
label: '车场自收'
value: '9',
label: 'ETC'
MerchantName :[
{ value: 0, label: "全部" },
{ value: 1, label: "错时共享停车场" },
{ value: 2, label: "公用事业集团" },
{ value: 3, label: "社会类停车场" },
{ value: 4, label: "智慧交通" },
// 车场折扣--状态
YardDiscountType: [
{ value: "0", label: "全部" },
{ value: "1", label: "未开始" },
{ value: "2", label: "进行中" },
{ value: "3", label: "已结束" },
{ value: "4", label: "已下架" },
value: '0',
label: '全部'
value: '1',
label: '系统自动扣款APP'
value: '2',
label: '微信公众号'
value: '3',
label: 'MS'
value: '4',
label: 'PDA'
value: '5',
label: '开放平台支付'
value: '6',
label: '扫码枪'
value: '7',
label: '微信小程序'
value: '8',
label: '支付宝生活号'
value: '9',
label: '支付宝小程序'
value: '10',
label: '缴费大屏'
value: '11',
label: '自助缴费机'
value: '12',
label: '后台录入'
value: '13',
label: 'H5'
value: '14',
label: 'ETC'
value: '0',
label: '全部'
value: '',
label: 'ETC支付'
value: '',
label: '微信支付分停车服务支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝信用停车服务支付'
value: '',
label: '数字人民币子钱包支付'
value: '',
label: '数字人民币付款码支付、、'
value: '',
label: '数字人民币H5支付'
value: '',
label: '后台录入'
value: '',
label: '余额支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝小程序支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝小程序支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝生活号/服务窗支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝生活号/服务窗支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝H5支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝H5支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝用户主扫支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝用户主扫支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝用户被扫/付款码支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝用户被扫/付款码支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-支付宝APF支付'
value: '',
label: '支付宝原生-支付宝APP支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信信用分支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信小程序支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信小程序支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信H5支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信H5支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信用户主扫支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信用户主扫支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信用户被扫/付款码支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信用户被扫/付款码支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信APP支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信APP支付'
value: '',
label: '招商银行-微信公众号支付'
value: '',
label: '微信原生-微信公众号支付'
value: '1',
label: '全部'
value: '2',
label: '停车订单'
value: '3',
label: '充电订单'
value: '4',
label: '充值订单'
value: '5',
label: '停车卡订单'
value: '6',
label: '充电预约订单'
value: '7',
label: '停车预约订单'
value: '8',
label: '错峰订单'
value: '9',
label: '预付费订单'
value: '10',
label: '商家预付费订单'
// 行驶方向
DirectionType: [
value: '1',
text: '西向东(东)'
value: '2',
text: '东向西(西)'
value: '3',
text: '北向南(南)'
value: '4',
text: '南向北(北)'
value: '5',
text: '西南到东北(东北)'
value: '6',
text: '东北到西南(西南)'
value: '7',
text: '西北到东南(东南)'
value: '8',
text: '东南到西北(西北)'
value: '9',
text: '其他'
// 车辆类型
CarClass: [
value: 'B',
text: '半挂车'
value: 'D',
text: '电车'
value: 'G',
text: '全挂车'
value: 'H',
text: '货车'
value: 'J',
text: '轮式机械'
value: 'K',
text: '客车'
value: 'M',
text: '摩托车'
value: 'N',
text: '三轮汽车'
value: 'Q',
text: '牵引车'
value: 'T',
text: '拖拉机'
value: 'Z',
text: '专项作业车'
CaseStatus: [
{ text: '全部', value: '' },
{ text: '已立案', value: '1' },
{ text: '已侦破', value: '2' },
{ text: '侦破待复核', value: '3' },
{ text: '已结案', value: '4' },
{ text: '结案待复核', value: '5' },
{ text: '并案待复核', value: '6' },
{ text: '撤案待复核', value: '7' },
{ text: '结案归档', value: '8' },
{ text: '并案归档', value: '9' },
{ text: '撤案归档', value: '10' },
ImageFormatType: [
{ value: 'Bmp', text: 'BMP' },
{ value: 'Gif', text: 'GIF' },
{ value: 'Jpeg', text: 'JPEG' },
{ value: 'Jfif', text: 'JFIF' },
{ value: 'Kdc', text: 'KDC' },
{ value: 'Pcd', text: 'PCD' },
{ value: 'Pcx', text: 'PCX' },
{ value: 'Pic', text: 'PIC' },
{ value: 'Pix', text: 'PIX' },
{ value: 'Png', text: 'PNG' },
{ value: 'Psd', text: 'PSD' },
{ value: 'Tapga', text: 'TAPGA' },
{ value: 'Tiff', text: 'TIFF' },
{ value: 'Wmf', text: 'WMF' },
{ value: 'Jp2', text: 'JPEG2000' },
{ value: 'Other', text: '其他' },
// 入侵行为
IntrusionType: [
{ text: '进入区域', value: '0' },
{ text: '离开区域', value: '1' },
{ text: '区域内出现', value: '2' },
{ text: '区域内消失', value: '3' },
{ text: '在区域内', value: '4' },
// 目标类型
TargetType: [
{ text: '人员', value: '1' },
{ text: '人脸', value: '2' },
{ text: '机动车', value: '3' },
{ text: '非机动车', value: '4' },
{ text: '物品', value: '5' },
{ text: '场景', value: '6' },
// 保密级别
SecretLevel: [
{ text: '绝密', value: '1' },
{ text: '机密', value: '2' },
{ text: '秘密', value: '3' },
{ text: '内部', value: '4' },
{ text: '公开', value: '5' },
{ text: '其他', value: '9' },
// 性别
gender: [
"text": "未知",
"value": -1
"text": "男性",
"value": 1
"text": "女性",
"value": 2
// 财务管理 -- 异常处理 车场类型
roadType: [
label: "全部",
value: 0,
label: "路侧平行",
value: 1,
label: "路侧垂停",
value: 2,
label: "封闭车场",
value: 3,
label: "半封闭车场",
value: 4,
parkType: [
label: "全部",
value: 0
label: "路内车场",
value: 1
label: "路外车场",
value: 2
sectionType: [
label: "全部",
value: -1
label: "200以内",
value: 1
label: "200-500",
value: 2
label: "500以上",
value: 3
vipType: [
label: "全部",
value: -1
label: "非会员",
value: 0
label: "会员",
value: 1
export const merchantName = [
{ value: 0, label: "全部" },
{ value: 1, label: "错时共享停车场" },
{ value: 2, label: "公用事业集团" },
{ value: 3, label: "社会类停车场" },
{ value: 4, label: "智慧交通" },
export const operator = [
{ value: 0, label: "全部" },
{ value: 1, label: "错时共享停车场" },
{ value: 2, label: "公用事业集团" },
{ value: 3, label: "社会类停车场" },
{ value: 4, label: "智慧交通" },
export const name = [
{ value: 0, label: "全部" },
{ value: 1, label: "错时共享停车场" },
{ value: 2, label: "公用事业集团" },
{ value: 3, label: "社会类停车场" },
{ value: 4, label: "智慧交通" },
export const schedule = [
{ value: 0, label: "全部" },
{ value: 1, label: "错时共享停车场" },
{ value: 2, label: "公用事业集团" },
{ value: 3, label: "社会类停车场" },
{ value: 4, label: "智慧交通" },
// 页数格式
export const pageSizeOptions = ["15", "40", "100", '200'];
const colorList = ['#3AA9FF', '#F997DF', '#F9EF97', '#f40']
import utils from "@/config/utils"
export const pieChartOption = {
title: {
show: true,
text: '',
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x: 'center',
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color: '#fff'
textAlign: 'left'
color: colorList,
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: (params) => {
return `
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legend: {
top: '5%',
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itemGap: 20,
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
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name: '',
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radius: ['60%', '70%'],
avoidLabelOverlap: true,
label: {
normal: {
show: false,
position: 'center',
formatter: '{title|{b}}\n\r\n\r{percent|{d}}%',
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
rich: {
title: {
fontSize: 18
percent: {
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: 700
emphasis: {
show: true
labelLine: {
show: false
data: [
export const lineChartOption = {
color: colorList,
title: {
text: ''
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
legend: {
icon: 'rect',
top: '5%',
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top: '15%',
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type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
data: [],
axisLabel: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
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type: 'value',
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show: false
axisLabel: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
splitLine: {
show: true,
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type: 'dashed',
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opacity: .15
series: [
name: '',
type: 'line',
// stack: 'Total',
symbolSize: 6,
symbol: 'circle',
showSymbol: true,
smooth: true,
lineStyle: {
width: 3
data: []
export const stackBarChartOption = {
color: colorList,
grid: {
top: '15%',
left: '3%',
right: '4%',
bottom: '3%',
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trigger: "axis",
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icon: 'rect',
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type: 'category',
boundaryGap: true,
data: [],
axisLabel: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
axisLine: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
type: 'dashed',
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series: [{
name: "",
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stack: "stack",
barMaxWidth: 35,
barGap: "10%",
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// normal: {
// color: "rgba(255,144,128,1)",
// label: {
// show: true,
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// color: "#fff"
// },
// position: "inside",
// formatter: function(p) {
// return p.value > 0 ? (p.value) : '';
// }
// }
// }
// },
data: []
export const barChartOption = {
// color: colorList,
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top: '15%',
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trigger: "axis",
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icon: 'rect',
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type: 'category',
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data: [],
axisLabel: {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
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show: false
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color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .65)'
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