diff --git a/src/components/Map/Apimap/index.jsx b/src/components/Map/Apimap/index.jsx
index f3abb67..511b0c0 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/Apimap/index.jsx
+++ b/src/components/Map/Apimap/index.jsx
@@ -1,95 +1,145 @@
-// import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react";import L from "leaflet";
-// import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
-// import "leaflet.chinatmsproviders";
-// import ajax from "@/services";
+import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react";
+import L from "leaflet";
+import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";
+import "leaflet.chinatmsproviders";
+import ajax from "@/services";
-// function ModalMap(props) {
-// const {
-// setLnglat = () => {},
-// getLntLat = () => {},
-// searchLnglatValue = [],
-// } = props;
-// const mapConfig = {
-// center: sysConfig.map.center,
-// zoom: sysConfig.map.zoom,
-// zooms: sysConfig.map.zooms,
-// maxZoom: sysConfig.map.zooms[1],
-// minZoom: sysConfig.map.zooms[0],
-// mapTileHost: sysConfig.map.mapTileHost,
-// zoomOffset: sysConfig.map.zoomOffset,
-// mapTileType: sysConfig.map.mapTileType,
-// };
-// const [map, setMap] = useState(null);
-// const mapRef = useRef(null);
-// const initMap = () => {
-// // console.log(mapConfig);
-// // const _map = L.map("mapid", {
-// // scrollWheelZoom: true,
-// // zoomSnap: 1,
-// // crs: L.CRS.EPSG3857,
-// // }).setView([mapConfig.center[0], mapConfig.center[1]], mapConfig.zoom);
-// // L.tileLayer("{mapTileHost}/v3/tile?z={z}&x={x}&y={y}", {
-// // maxZoom: mapConfig.zooms[1],
-// // minZoom: mapConfig.zooms[0],
-// // zoomOffset: 0,
-// // mapTileHost: mapConfig.mapTileHost,
-// // }).addTo(_map);
-// // _map.on("click", function (e) {
-// // clearMarkers(_map);
-// // L.marker(e.latlng).addTo(_map);
-// // setLnglat([e.latlng.lng.toFixed(4), e.latlng.lat.toFixed(4)]);
-// // getLntLat([e.latlng.lng.toFixed(4), e.latlng.lat.toFixed(4)]);
-// // });
-// // _map.invalidateSize();
-// // setMap(_map);
-// // mapRef.current = _map;
-// let _map = new AMap.Map("mapid", {
-// resizeEnable: true,
-// layers: [
-// new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite(),
-// new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet()
-// ]
-// });
-// _map.setCenter([mapConfig.center[1], mapConfig.center[0]], mapConfig.zoom);
-// setMap(_map)
-// _map.on('click', function(e) {
-// console.log(e)
-// // onClick(info)
-// setLnglat([e.lnglat.lng.toFixed(4), e.lnglat.lat.toFixed(4)]);
-// getLntLat([e.lnglat.lng.toFixed(4), e.lnglat.lat.toFixed(4)]);
-// })
-// mapRef.current = map
-// };
-// function clearMarkers(map) {
-// map.eachLayer(function (layer) {
-// if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
-// map.removeLayer(layer);
-// }
-// });
-// }
-// useEffect(() => {
-// initMap();
-// return () => {
-// if (mapRef.current) {
-// mapRef.current.remove();
-// }
-// };
-// }, []);
-// useEffect(() => {
-// if (searchLnglatValue.length === 0) return;
-// mapRef.current.setView(searchLnglatValue, 13);
-// }, [searchLnglatValue]);
-// return (
-// );
-// }
-// export default ModalMap;
\ No newline at end of file
+function ModalMap (props) {
+ const {
+ setLnglat = () => { },
+ getLntLat = () => { },
+ searchLnglatValue = [],
+ AmapConfig = { fullscreen: false }
+ } = props;
+ const [hasInit, setHasInit] = useState(false); // 地图是否已经创建
+ const mapConfig = {
+ center: sysConfig.map.center,
+ zoom: sysConfig.map.zoom,
+ zooms: sysConfig.map.zooms,
+ maxZoom: sysConfig.map.zooms[1],
+ minZoom: sysConfig.map.zooms[0],
+ mapTileHost: sysConfig.map.mapTileHost,
+ zoomOffset: sysConfig.map.zoomOffset,
+ mapTileType: sysConfig.map.mapTileType,
+ };
+ const [map, setMap] = useState(null);
+ const mapRef = useRef(null);
+ const initMap = () => {
+ let _map = new AMap.Map("map", {
+ resizeEnable: true,
+ mapStyle: 'amap://styles/whitesmoke', //设置地图的显示样式
+ viewMode: '2D', //设置地图模式
+ layers: [
+ new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite(),
+ new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet()
+ ]
+ });
+ _map.setCenter([mapConfig.center[1], mapConfig.center[0]], mapConfig.zoom);
+ setMap(_map)
+ _map.on('click', function (e) {
+ console.log(e)
+ // onClick(info)
+ setLnglat([e.lnglat.lng.toFixed(4), e.lnglat.lat.toFixed(4)]);
+ getLntLat([e.lnglat.lng.toFixed(4), e.lnglat.lat.toFixed(4)]);
+ })
+ _map.on('complete', function () {
+ AMap.plugin(['AMap.Fullscreen'], function () {
+ map.addControl(new AMap.Fullscreen());
+ });
+ });
+ mapRef.current = map
+ setHasInit(true);
+ };
+ const renderChildren = (map) => {
+ return React.Children.map(props.children, (child) => {
+ if (child) {
+ const cType = child.type;
+ /* 针对下面两种组件不注入地图相关属性
+ * 1. 明确声明不需要注入的
+ * 2. DOM 元素
+ */
+ if (cType.preventAmap || typeof cType === "string") {
+ return child;
+ }
+ return React.cloneElement(child, {
+ __map__: map,
+ });
+ }
+ return child;
+ });
+ };
+ function clearMarkers (map) {
+ map.eachLayer(function (layer) {
+ if (layer instanceof L.Marker) {
+ map.removeLayer(layer);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ initMap();
+ return () => {
+ if (mapRef.current) {
+ mapRef.current.remove();
+ }
+ };
+ }, []);
+ // 进入全屏
+ // 获取地图容器元素
+ var mapContainer = document.getElementById('map');
+ function enterFullscreen () {
+ if (mapContainer.requestFullscreen) {
+ mapContainer.requestFullscreen();
+ } else if (mapContainer.mozRequestFullScreen) {
+ mapContainer.mozRequestFullScreen();
+ } else if (mapContainer.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
+ mapContainer.webkitRequestFullscreen();
+ } else if (mapContainer.msRequestFullscreen) {
+ mapContainer.msRequestFullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ // 退出全屏
+ function exitFullscreen () {
+ if (document.exitFullscreen) {
+ document.exitFullscreen();
+ } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
+ document.mozCancelFullScreen();
+ } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
+ document.webkitExitFullscreen();
+ } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
+ document.msExitFullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // 获取地图容器元素
+ if (mapContainer) {
+ if (document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement) {
+ // 如果已经全屏,则退出全屏
+ exitFullscreen();
+ } else {
+ // 如果不在全屏状态,则进入全屏
+ enterFullscreen();
+ }
+ }
+ }, [AmapConfig.fullscreen])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (searchLnglatValue.length === 0) return;
+ mapRef.current.setView(searchLnglatValue, 13);
+ }, [searchLnglatValue]);
+ return (
+ {hasInit ? renderChildren(map) : null}
+ );
+export default ModalMap;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.jsx b/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.jsx
index 6657f1b..4da50ad 100644
--- a/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.jsx
+++ b/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.jsx
@@ -14,221 +14,200 @@ import bankingImg from '@/assets/images/map/banking.png'
import otherImg from '@/assets/images/map/other.png'
import utils from '@/config/utils'
-function Marker(props, refs) {
- const map = props.__map__
- const { validatorLongitude, validatorLatitude } = utils
- const {
- markerArr = [], // 点位数据数组
- refresh = true, // 点位是否需要刷新
- type = 'icon', // 点位样式类型 icon、img、div
- icon = {
- "40": garageImg, // key: type值;value: 图标class/图片url
- "37": fedexImg,
- "42": partyImg,
- "39": hospitalImg,
- "66": collegeImg,
- "67": primarySchoolImg,
- "68": logisticsImg,
- "41": bankingImg,
- "69": otherImg,
- },
- iconHtmlCb = () => { }, // 点位样式是div的html函数
- iconSize = [35, 35], // 图标大小
- iconAnchor = [12, 24], // 偏移量(相对于左上角)
- tooltipAnchor = [0, -12], // 提示工具偏移(相对于左上角
- tooltipKey = 'text', // 提示信息的key
- popupAnchor = [0, -12], // 弹窗偏移(相对于左上角)
- contentCb = '', // 生成弹窗显示内容方法事件
- clickCb, // 点击事件
- classCb, // class事件返回class
- hideTypes = [], // 隐藏的点位type数组
- fitBounds = true, // 是否适应屏幕
- getMapValue=''
- } = props
- console.log(getMapValue);
- const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([])
- const [getMarker,setGetMarker]=useState({})
- const markersRef = useRef()
- markersRef.current = markers
- const circlesRef = useRef()
- useImperativeHandle(refs, () => (markersRef.current))
- const addMarkers = (arr = []) => {
- if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
- console.warn('请传数组')
- return false
- }
- if (map) {
- let _markers = []
- arr.forEach(elem => {
- if (validatorLatitude(elem.lat) && validatorLongitude(elem.lng)) {
- if (type === 'icon') {
- let html = ``
- let className = ''
- if (classCb) {
- className = classCb(elem)
- }
- let Opts = L.divIcon({
- className: className,
- html: `${html}`,
- iconSize: iconSize,
- iconAnchor: iconAnchor,
- tooltipAnchor: tooltipAnchor,
- popupAnchor: popupAnchor
- })
- let content = ''
- if (contentCb) {
- content = contentCb(elem)
- }
- let marker = L.marker([elem.lat, elem.lng], { icon: Opts })
- if (elem[tooltipKey]) {
- marker.bindTooltip(elem[tooltipKey])
- }
- if (content) {
- marker.bindPopup(content)
- }
- marker.data = elem
- if (!hideTypes.includes(elem.type)) {
- marker.addTo(map)
- }
- _markers.push(marker)
- markers.push(marker)
- if (clickCb) {
- marker.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- clickCb(e.target)
- })
- }
- } else if (type === 'img') {
- let opts = L.icon({
- iconUrl: elem.type ? icon[elem.type] : markerIcon,
- iconSize: elem.type ? iconSize : [35, 35],
- iconAnchor: elem.type ? iconAnchor : [8, 23],
- tooltipAnchor: tooltipAnchor,
- popupAnchor: popupAnchor
- })
- let marker = L.marker([elem.lat, elem.lng], { icon: opts })
- if (elem[tooltipKey]) {
- marker.bindTooltip(elem[tooltipKey])
- }
- let content = ''
- if (contentCb) {
- content = contentCb(elem)
- }
- if (content) {
- marker.bindPopup(content)
- }
- marker.data = elem
- marker.addTo(map)
- _markers.push(marker)
- markers.push(marker)
- setGetMarker(marker.data);
- if (clickCb) {
- marker.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- clickCb(e.target)
- })
- }
- if (elem.open) {
- marker.openPopup()
- }
- } else if (type === 'div') {
- let className = ''
- if (classCb) {
- className = classCb(elem)
- }
- let opts = L.divIcon({
- className: className,
- html: iconHtmlCb(elem),
- iconSize: iconSize,
- iconAnchor: iconAnchor,
- tooltipAnchor: tooltipAnchor,
- popupAnchor: popupAnchor
- })
- let marker = L.marker([elem.lat, elem.lng], { icon: opts })
- if (elem[tooltipKey]) {
- marker.bindTooltip(elem[tooltipKey])
- }
- let content = ''
- if (contentCb) {
- content = contentCb(elem)
- }
- if (content) {
- marker.bindPopup(content)
- }
- marker.data = elem
- marker.addTo(map)
- _markers.push(marker)
- markers.push(marker)
- if (clickCb) {
- marker.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- clickCb(e.target)
- })
- }
- if (elem.open) {
- marker.openPopup()
- }
- }
- }
- })
- if (fitBounds) {
- if (_markers.length > 1) {
- map.fitBounds(L.featureGroup(_markers).getBounds())
- } else if (_markers.length == 1) {
- map.setView(_markers[0]._latlng)
+import mgreen from "@/assets/images/equip/home/mark_green.png";
+import mgred from "@/assets/images/equip/home/mark_red.png";
+import mgyellow from "@/assets/images/equip/home/mark_yellow.png";
+function Marker (props, refs) {
+ const map = props.__map__
+ // 创建 点位 图层
+ const labelsLayer = new AMap.LabelsLayer({
+ zooms: [3, 20],
+ zIndex: 1000,
+ collision: true, // 该层内标注是否避让
+ allowCollision: true, // 设置 allowCollision:true,可以让标注避让用户的标注
+ });
+ // 海量点图层
+ const [massLayer, setMassLayer] = useState(labelsLayer);
+ // 创建一个空数组来保存 AMap.Text 对象
+ const [textMarker, setTextMarker] = useState([])
+ const { validatorLongitude, validatorLatitude } = utils
+ const {
+ markerArr = [], // 点位数据数组
+ refresh = true, // 点位是否需要刷新
+ type = 'icon', // 点位样式类型 icon、img、div
+ icon = {
+ "40": garageImg, // key: type值;value: 图标class/图片url
+ "37": fedexImg,
+ "42": partyImg,
+ "39": hospitalImg,
+ "66": collegeImg,
+ "67": primarySchoolImg,
+ "68": logisticsImg,
+ "41": bankingImg,
+ "69": otherImg,
+ },
+ AmapConfig = {},
+ iconHtmlCb = () => { }, // 点位样式是div的html函数
+ iconSize = [35, 35], // 图标大小
+ iconAnchor = [12, 24], // 偏移量(相对于左上角)
+ tooltipAnchor = [0, -12], // 提示工具偏移(相对于左上角
+ tooltipKey = 'text', // 提示信息的key
+ popupAnchor = [0, -12], // 弹窗偏移(相对于左上角)
+ contentCb = '', // 生成弹窗显示内容方法事件
+ clickCb, // 点击事件
+ } = props
+ const Amapicon = {
+ type: 'image', // 图标类型,现阶段只支持 image 类型
+ image: 'https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/marker/express2.png', // 图片 url
+ size: [64, 30],// 图片尺寸
+ anchor: 'center', // 图片相对 position 的锚点,默认为 bottom-center
+ };
+ const Amapicon1 = {
+ type: 'image', // 图标类型,现阶段只支持 image 类型
+ image: 'https://webapi.amap.com/images/mass/mass2.png', // 图片 url
+ size: [64, 30],// 图片尺寸
+ anchor: 'center', // 图片相对 position 的锚点,默认为 bottom-center
+ };
+ const text = {
+ content: type == "icon" ? "途经点" : "落脚点", // 要展示的文字内容
+ direction: 'right', // 文字方向,有 icon 时为围绕文字的方向,没有 icon 时,则为相对 position 的位置
+ offset: [-20, -5], // 在 direction 基础上的偏移量
+ style: { // 文字样式
+ fontSize: 12,// 字体大小
+ fillColor: '#22886f', // 字体颜色
+ strokeColor: '#fff', // 描边颜色
+ strokeWidth: 2, // 描边宽度
- }
- setMarkers(markersRef.current)
- }
- useEffect(()=>{
+ const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([])
+ const markersRef = useRef()
+ markersRef.current = markers
- if(getMapValue){
- console.log(getMarker);
- let lng = getMarker.lng
- let lat = getMarker.lat
- circlesRef.current && map.removeLayer(circlesRef.current)
- let circle = L.circle([lat, lng], { radius: getMapValue })
- circle.addTo(map)
- circlesRef.current = circle
- }
- },[getMapValue])
- useEffect(() => {
- if (markerArr.length) {
- addMarkers(markerArr)
- }
+ useImperativeHandle(refs, () => (markersRef.current))
- return () => {
- if (map) {
- markersRef.current.forEach(elem => {
- map.removeLayer(elem)
- })
- }
+ const addMarkers = (arr = [], _massLayer) => {
+ if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
+ console.warn('请传数组')
+ return false
+ }
+ if (map) {
+ let _markers = []
+ arr.forEach(elem => {
+ if (validatorLatitude(elem.lat) && validatorLongitude(elem.lng)) {
+ if (type == "image") {
+ // 这里绘制的上下班点位
+ const labelMarker = new AMap.LabelMarker({
+ name: '标注2', // 此属性非绘制文字内容,仅最为标识使用
+ position: [elem.lng, elem.lat],
+ zIndex: 16,
+ icon: Amapicon1, // 将第一步创建的 icon 对象传给 icon 属性
+ text: text,// 将第二步创建的 text 对象传给 text 属性
+ });
+ _markers.push(labelMarker)
+ } else {
+ // 创建一个div标签作为点位
+ var markerContent = document.createElement('div');
+ markerContent.className = 'custom-marker'; // 自定义样式类名
+ markerContent.innerHTML = ''; // 自定义点位内容
+ // 创建点位
+ var marker = new AMap.Marker({
+ position: [elem.lng, elem.lat], // 设置点位坐标
+ content: markerContent, // 设置点位内容
+ map: map // 将点位添加到地图上
+ });
+ _markers.push(marker)
+ }
+ map.setZoomAndCenter(15, ["120.031712", "35.877188"]);
+ }
+ })
+ massLayer.add([..._markers]);
+ map.add(massLayer);
+ setMarkers([..._markers])
+ }
- }, [])
+ // useEffect(() => {
+ // if (markerArr.length) {
+ // addMarkers(markerArr)
+ // }
+ // }, [])
- useEffect(() => {
- markersRef.current.forEach(elem => {
- // map.removeLayer(elem)
- elem.remove()
- })
- setMarkers([])
- addMarkers(markerArr)
- }, [markerArr])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (map && !massLayer) {
+ let _massLayer = new AMap.MassMarks([], {
+ zIndex: 5, // 海量点图层叠加的顺序
+ // cursor: "pointer",
+ style: {
+ zIndex: 0,
+ url: '', // 图片 url
+ size: new AMap.Size(30, 40), // 图片尺寸
+ anchor: new AMap.Pixel(15, 20), // 图片相对 position 的锚点,默认为 bottom-center
+ }, // 该层内标注是否避让
+ // allowCollision: true,
+ }); // 创建海量点图层
+ setMassLayer(_massLayer);
+ if (markerArr.length) {
+ // 处理点位数据
+ addMarkers(markerArr)
+ }
+ }
+ }, [map])
- useEffect(() => {
- markers.forEach(elem => {
- map.removeLayer(elem)
- if (!hideTypes.includes(elem.data.type)) {
- elem.addTo(map)
- }
- })
- }, [hideTypes.length])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (massLayer) {
+ massLayer.clear(); // 清空之前的点位
+ if (markerArr.length) {
+ addMarkers(markerArr, massLayer); // 添加点位
+ } else {
+ // 清除所有点位
+ massLayer.clear(); // 清空之前的点位
+ }
+ }
+ }, [markerArr]);
+ // 控制时间是否显示
+ useEffect(() => {
+ let newMarkers = []; // 使用局部变量保存新的文本标记
+ if (AmapConfig?.timeposition) {
+ // 创建新的文本标签
+ markerArr.forEach((textMarkerData) => {
+ const textMarker = new window.AMap.Text({
+ position: [textMarkerData.lng, textMarkerData.lat],
+ zIndex: 30,
+ text: textMarkerData.location,
+ map,
+ });
+ newMarkers.push(textMarker); // 将新的文本标记保存到局部变量中
+ });
+ setTextMarker(newMarkers)
+ } else {
+ // 清除之前的文本标记
+ textMarker.forEach((textMarker) => {
+ console.log(textMarker);
+ textMarker.setMap(null);
+ });
+ }
+ // 更新全局的文本标记数组
+ setTextMarker([...newMarkers])
+ }, [AmapConfig.timeposition])
+ let currentIndex = useRef(0);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ currentIndex.current = 0
+ if (AmapConfig.timebackcheck) {
+ let index = currentIndex
+ const interval = setInterval(() => {
+ if (currentIndex.current < markerArr.length) {
+ const point = markerArr[currentIndex.current];
+ console.log('====================================');
+ console.log(point);
+ console.log('====================================');
+ map.setCenter([point.lng, point.lat]);
+ currentIndex.current ++;
+ } else {
+ clearInterval(interval);
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ }, [AmapConfig.timebackcheck])
- return (
- null
- )
export default forwardRef(Marker)
diff --git a/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.scss b/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.scss
index 013db01..09b7b64 100644
--- a/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.scss
+++ b/src/components/MapComponets/Marker/index.scss
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper {
border-radius: 0;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ background-color: greenyellow;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ background-color: red;
diff --git a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/Fence/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/Fence/loadable.jsx
index d256dec..5b032f2 100644
--- a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/Fence/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/Fence/loadable.jsx
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ function Fence(props) {
const saveBtn = () => {
if (getScopeValue === '2' && targetKeys.length === 0) {
- }else{
+ } else {
let getValue = valuePark
let result = getValue.join(",")
if (getScope === 2) {
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ function Fence(props) {
@@ -507,23 +507,26 @@ function Fence(props) {
getStatus == '2' ?
String(value) },
- ]}
+ <>
String(value) },
+ ]}
- type="number"
- onChange={handleType}
- />
+ type="number"
+ onChange={handleType}
+ />
+ 考勤打卡和检测的工作范围,可以输入[100,2000]
+ >
: ''
diff --git a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/index.scss b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/index.scss
index 2970a10..c990504 100644
--- a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/index.scss
+++ b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/index.scss
@@ -201,6 +201,12 @@ $color-primary : var(--color-primary);
+ background-color: #b8b9bc;
+.ant-switch-checked {
+ background-color: #177ddc;
width: 1600px !important;
@@ -210,6 +216,24 @@ $color-primary : var(--color-primary);
width: 780px;
height: 600px;
+ position: relative;
+ .amap-control{
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 20px;
+ right: 20px;
+ width: 300px;
+ height: 30px;
+ z-index: 100;
+ display: flex;
+ background: white;
+ color: black;
+ align-items: center;
+ p{
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0 10px;
+ }
+ }
.yisa-table .ant-table-thead .ant-table-cell{
background-color: #616b83 !important;
color: #ffffff !important;
diff --git a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/loadable.jsx
index f5bcd7d..8339c12 100644
--- a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/PersonMgm/Attendance/WorkerAttendance/loadable.jsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
-import { Apimap, Marker, ExportBtn, ResultFlowResult} from "@/components"
-import { Select, Input, Button, Table, message, Pagination, DatePicker, Space, Modal } from 'antd'
+import { Apimap, Marker, ExportBtn, ResultFlowResult } from "@/components"
+import { Select, Input, Button, Table, message, Pagination, DatePicker, Space, Modal, Switch } from 'antd'
import {
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import moment from "moment";
import "./index.scss";
import { SearchOutlined, DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import ajax from '@/services'
+import { isBoolean } from "lodash";
// import image1 from '@/assets/images/default-marker.png'
const { Option } = Select;
const { RangePicker } = DatePicker;
-function WorkerAttendance(props) {
+function WorkerAttendance (props) {
const [ajaxLoading, setAjaxLoading] = useState(false)
const [type, setType2] = useState('day');
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({
@@ -22,11 +23,16 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
export_url: '',
process_url: ""
+ const [mapConfig, setMapConfig] = useState({
+ timebackcheck: false,
+ timeposition: false,
+ fullscreen: false
+ })
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
pdaManagerName: '',//登录名
pdaManagerCode: '',//员工编号
- pdaManagerRole: '-1',//角色
- operator: '0',//所属运营商
+ pdaManagerRole: '',//角色
+ operator: '',//所属运营商
start_time: type === 'day' ? moment().subtract(30, 'days').startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD') : moment().startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM'),
end_time: type === 'day' ? moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') : moment().format('YYYY-MM'),
pn: 1,
@@ -197,17 +203,24 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
if (res.status === 20000) {
- res.data.list.map((res, index) => {
- setMarkers([{
- lng: res.go_work_lng,
- lat: res.go_work_lat
- }])
+ let arr = res.data.list.map((item, index) => {
+ return {
+ lng: item.go_work_lng,
+ lat: item.go_work_lat,
+ ...item
+ }
+ console.log('====================================');
+ console.log(arr);
+ console.log('====================================');
+ // setMarkers([...arr])
+ // 当天起止地点
const [footMarkers, setFootMarkers] = useState([]);
+ // 当天工作点位
+ const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([])
const Check = (record) => {
let data = {
id: getDetailId.id,
@@ -215,39 +228,45 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
ajax.getLat(data).then(res => {
if (res.status === 20000) {
- setFootMarkers(res.data)
+ let { go_lng_lat, off_lng_lat, list } = res.data
+ setFootMarkers([
+ { lng: go_lng_lat.split(",")[1], lat: go_lng_lat.split(",")[0] }
+ ,
+ { lng: off_lng_lat.split(",")[1], lat: off_lng_lat.split(",")[0] }
+ ]);
+ setMarkers([...list])
const markerConf = {
markerArr: footMarkers,
- iconSize: [48, 54],
- type: "img",
+ iconSize: [80, 80],
+ type: "image",
popupAnchor: [12, -12],
tooltipAnchor: [16, 0],
- contentCb: (data) => {
- let tem = ``;
- tem = `
- `;
- return tem;
- },
- clickCb: (e) => {
- console.log(e);
- },
+ // contentCb: (data) => {
+ // let tem = ``;
+ // tem = `
+ //
+ // `;
+ // return tem;
+ // },
+ // clickCb: (e) => {
+ // console.log(e);
+ // },
const attendanceModal = () => {
@@ -281,10 +300,10 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
- //切换分页
- const changePn = (pn, length) => {
+ //切换分页
+ const changePn = (pn, length) => {
if (formData.page_size === length) {
- setFormData(Object.assign({}, formData, { pn: pn, page_size: length}))
+ setFormData(Object.assign({}, formData, { pn: pn, page_size: length }))
setLastFormData(Object.assign({}, lastFormData, { pn: pn, page_size: length }))
getData(Object.assign({}, formData, { pn: pn, page_size: length }))
@@ -295,7 +314,6 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
setLastFormData(Object.assign({}, lastFormData, { pn: 1, page_size: length }))
getData(Object.assign({}, formData, { pn: 1, page_size: length }))
- const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([])
const getSearchData = (data = formData) => {
@@ -486,12 +504,44 @@ function WorkerAttendance(props) {
- {/*
时间回放 {
+ if (checked) {
+ setMapConfig({ ...mapConfig, timebackcheck: checked, timeposition: !checked, })
+ } else {
+ setMapConfig({ ...mapConfig, timebackcheck: checked })
+ }
+ }}
+ />
定位时间 {
+ if (checked) {
+ console.log(checked);
+ setMapConfig({ ...mapConfig, timeposition: checked, timebackcheck: !checked })
+ } else {
+ setMapConfig({ ...mapConfig, timeposition: checked, })
+ }
+ }} />
{ setMapConfig({ ...mapConfig, fullscreen: !mapConfig.fullscreen }) }}>全屏
+ {/* 开始,结束 */}
+ {/* 路径 */}
+ {/* {
+ !!isBoolean(mapConfig.timeposition) &&
+ } */}
+ {/* {
if (res.status === 20000) {
- message.success(res.message);
diff --git a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/Stuff/StuffMgm/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/Stuff/StuffMgm/loadable.jsx
index a66993d..51a96ab 100644
--- a/src/pages/InRoadMgm/Stuff/StuffMgm/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/InRoadMgm/Stuff/StuffMgm/loadable.jsx
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ function StuffMgm(props) {
process_url: ""
const parameter = {
- region_id: [],//区域
+ region_id: ['5910983100858368'],//区域
code: '',//物品编号
brand_id: '0',//物品类型
model_id: '',//物品型号
operatorid: '0',//商户名称
name: '',//物品名称
- status: '',//状态
+ status: '3',//状态
uid: 0,//领用人
pn: 1,
page_size: Number(pageSizeOptions[0]), // 每页条数
@@ -156,7 +156,10 @@ function StuffMgm(props) {
{ CheckBtn(record) }}>查看
- { translateBtn(record) }}>编辑
+ { translateBtn(record) }}>
+ 编辑
@@ -223,6 +226,8 @@ function StuffMgm(props) {
const translateBtn = (record) => {
+ setGetBrandId(record.brand_id)
+ setGetOperatorValue(record.operatorid)
@@ -742,6 +747,10 @@ function StuffMgm(props) {
value: '2',
label: '废弃'
+ {
+ value: '3',
+ label: '全部'
+ },