diff --git a/src/assets/images/equip/equip1.png b/src/assets/images/equip/equip1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e5325
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/equip/equip1.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/equip/equip2.png b/src/assets/images/equip/equip2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894e967
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/equip/equip2.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/equip/equip3.png b/src/assets/images/equip/equip3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2cd49a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/equip/equip3.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/equip/equip4.png b/src/assets/images/equip/equip4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97cadc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/equip/equip4.png differ
diff --git a/src/assets/images/equip/equip5.png b/src/assets/images/equip/equip5.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0eccc5
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/equip/equip5.png differ
diff --git a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/index.scss b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/index.scss
index 1838f71..7502c2c 100644
--- a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/index.scss
+++ b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/index.scss
@@ -3,3 +3,294 @@ $color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg);
$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg);
$color-text : var(--color-text);
$color-primary : var(--color-primary);
+.ExceptionParkReport {
+ padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ .body_cenf {
+ display: flex;
+ height: 100%;
+ .left_search {
+ width: 370px;
+ height: 100%;
+ .hrestit {
+ height: 21px;
+ width: 370px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Bold;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ text-align: left;
+ margin: 10px 0 10px;
+ }
+ .form_item {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: 0 10px 16px 0;
+ .lab {
+ width: 90px;
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ .labb {
+ width: 90px;
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ // display: flex;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ .daf {
+ margin-left: 4px;
+ // border: 1px solid var(--color-table-border-bottom-color);
+ }
+ }
+ .labs {
+ width: 120px;
+ text-align: right;
+ // border: 1px solid var(--color-table-border-bottom-color);
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ .inputs {
+ flex: 1;
+ // border: 1px solid var(--color-table-border-bottom-color);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .inputst {
+ // flex: 228px;
+ // border: 1px solid var(--color-table-border-bottom-color);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ }
+ .but_on {
+ display: flex;
+ // align-items: center;
+ margin: 0 10px 0 0;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ span {
+ width: 110px;
+ height: 36px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 36px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ .sear_ser,
+ .sear_rep {
+ background: linear-gradient(180deg, #3aa9ff, #59b7ff);
+ }
+ .sear_res {
+ background: #636d80;
+ }
+ .lent {
+ width: 230px;
+ margin-left: 20px;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .right_tab {
+ width: calc(100% - 370px);
+ height: 100%;
+ padding: 20px;
+ background: var(--color-user-list-bg);
+ box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+ border-radius: 28px 0 0 0;
+ .sheisgirl {
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ display: flex;
+ height: 108px;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ .gchild {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ width: 19%;
+ border-radius: 10px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ .gps {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ }
+ .gnu {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ .gnum {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .sd {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin-bottom: 12px;
+ p {
+ margin-bottom: 0%;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ color: $color-text;
+ span {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin: 0 4px;
+ color: $color-primary;
+ }
+ }
+ .sear_ser {
+ display: block;
+ width: 68px;
+ height: 34px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 34px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: linear-gradient(180deg, #3aa9ff, #59b7ff);
+ }
+ }
+ .scrplltab {
+ width: 100%;
+ overflow-x: scroll;
+ // position: relative;
+ @include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF);
+ .poxi {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-color: var(--color-table-header-bg);
+ width: 24px;
+ height: 50px;
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 20px;
+ top: 277px;
+ padding: 10px 8px;
+ z-index: 12;
+ .colsa {
+ color: #3AA9FF;
+ }
+ }
+ .showas {
+ top: 477px
+ }
+ }
+ .table_raps {
+ // width: 3146px;
+ }
+ .yisa_tabled {
+ width: 100%;
+ .ant-table-thead {
+ th {
+ border: rgba(255, 255, 255, .08) 1px solid;
+ // background: var(--color-table-header-bg) !important;
+ i {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 14px;
+ height: 14px;
+ border: solid 1px $color-text;
+ border-radius: 7px;
+ line-height: 14px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ &::before {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ }
+ .ant-table-selection-column {
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ }
+ .ant-table-body {
+ @include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF);
+ }
+ // .ant-table-tbody {
+ // td {
+ // background: var(--color-table-body-bg) !important;
+ // border-bottom-color: var(--color-table-border-bottom-color);
+ // }
+ // tr:nth-child(even) {
+ // td {
+ // background: var(--color-table-body-bg-nth-child-even) !important;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // tr:nth-child(odd) {
+ // td {
+ // background: var(--color-table-body-bg-nth-child-even) !important;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+.ant-tooltip-arrow-content:before {
+ background-color: $color-container-bg;
+.selectcolsopt {
+ width: 160px;
+ height: 470px;
+ .tirl {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ margin-bottom: 4px;
+ }
+ .ant-checkbox-inner {
+ border-color: $color-text;
+ }
+ font-size: 14px;
+ color: $color-text;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/loadable.jsx
index 9ab07dc..0323c36 100644
--- a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/EquipmentAly/EquipmentRunningStat/loadable.jsx
@@ -1,15 +1,714 @@
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
-// import { message, Pagination, Table, Space, Modal, } from "antd";
-// import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common";
-// import moment from 'moment'
+import {
+ message,
+ Pagination,
+ Table,
+ Select,
+ Input,
+ Popover,
+ Cascader,
+ AutoComplete,
+ Tooltip,
+ Checkbox,
+ Form,
+ DatePicker,
+} from "antd";
+import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common";
+import moment from "moment";
+import {
+ FunnelPlotOutlined,
+ CloseOutlined,
+ InfoCircleOutlined,
+ DownOutlined,
+ UpOutlined,
+} from "@ant-design/icons";
+import ajax from "@/services";
// import { useSessionStorageState, useUpdateEffect, useSize, useUpdate } from 'ahooks';
-// import ajax from "@/services"
-// import { FormInput, FormSelect, OptionPanel, ResultPanel, FormSliderPicker, AreaCascader, ImgResize, ImgZoom, } from "@/components"
-// import "./index.scss";
-// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png"
+import { ResultFlow } from "@/components";
+import "./index.scss";
+import Equip1 from "@/assets/images/equip/equip1.png";
+import Equip2 from "@/assets/images/equip/equip2.png";
+import Equip3 from "@/assets/images/equip/equip3.png";
+import Equip4 from "@/assets/images/equip/equip4.png";
+import Equip5 from "@/assets/images/equip/equip5.png";
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
+const { RangePicker } = DatePicker;
+const { TextArea } = Input;
function ExceptionParkReport() {
- return
+ const formdata = {
+ operator_id: "0", //商户
+ name: "", //停车场名称
+ park_type: "", //车场类型 1=路内 2=路外
+ operator_status: [], //商用状态(1为待上线,2为商用,3为试运营,4为下线)
+ area: [],
+ date_type: "1",
+ is_excel: 0,
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ pn: 1,
+ page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
+ };
+ //图新展示
+ const tabt = [
+ {
+ text: "设备总数(个)",
+ value: 4642,
+ icon: Equip1,
+ },
+ {
+ text: "离线次数(次)",
+ value: 1,
+ icon: Equip2,
+ tip: "离线时间大于20分钟,记为1次离线,连续离线不会记多次",
+ },
+ {
+ text: "离线总时长",
+ value: "32天20时49分0秒",
+ icon: Equip3,
+ },
+ {
+ text: "离线时长占比",
+ value: "99.58%",
+ icon: Equip4,
+ tip: "离线设备总时长/离线设备工作时长*100%",
+ },
+ {
+ text: "离线时长占比",
+ subtext: "(全部设备)",
+ value: "0.71%",
+ icon: Equip5,
+ tip: "离线设备总时长/全区所有设备工作时长*100%",
+ },
+ ];
+ const col = [
+ {
+ title: "车场名称",
+ dataIndex: "road_name",
+ key: "road_name",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "设备总数",
+ dataIndex: "date",
+ key: "date",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "离线次数",
+ dataIndex: "date",
+ key: "date",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "离线总时长",
+ dataIndex: "date",
+ key: "date",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "离线设备离线时长占比",
+ dataIndex: "date",
+ key: "date",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ {
+ title: "全部设备离线时长占比",
+ dataIndex: "date",
+ key: "date",
+ align: "center",
+ },
+ ];
+ let form_data = sessionStorage.getItem("FormData_OperationReport");
+ //检索
+ const [FormData, setFormData] = useState(
+ form_data ? JSON.parse(form_data) : formdata
+ );
+ //检索2
+ const [FormDatas, setFormDatas] = useState(
+ form_data ? JSON.parse(form_data) : formdata
+ );
+ //页码状态
+ const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
+ //页面数据
+ const [Data, setData] = useState({
+ data: [],
+ total: 0,
+ });
+ //获取区域
+ const [Area, setArea] = useState([]);
+ //商户
+ const [Yunying, setYunying] = useState([]);
+ //自动填充
+ const [options, setOptions] = useState([]);
+ const [Open, setOpen] = useState(true);
+ //筛选
+ const [selectArr, setSelectArr] = useState([]);
+ //是否展开显示
+ const [Show, setShow] = useState(false);
+ const column = (arr) => {
+ let copr = [];
+ if (arr.length) {
+ col.forEach((ele, index) => {
+ if (ele.children) {
+ var lisr = [];
+ let bool = false;
+ ele.children.forEach((val) => {
+ if (!arr.includes(val.key)) {
+ lisr.push(val);
+ bool = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (bool) {
+ copr.push({ ...ele, children: [...lisr] });
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!arr.includes(ele.key)) {
+ copr.push(ele);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ copr = col;
+ }
+ return [...copr];
+ };
+ const onSearch = (searchText) => {
+ console.log(searchText);
+ setOptions([]);
+ };
+ //时间状态切换
+ const TimeChange = () => {
+ let e = FormData.date_type;
+ let str = "date";
+ let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
+ if (e == 4) {
+ str = "year";
+ mat = "YYYY";
+ } else if (e == 3) {
+ str = "month";
+ mat = "YYYY-MM";
+ } else if (e == 2) {
+ str = "week";
+ mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
+ }
+ return { str, mat };
+ };
+ //切换时间变化
+ const SetTimeNow = (e) => {
+ let start = "";
+ let end = "";
+ if (e == 4) {
+ start = moment().format("YYYY");
+ end = moment().format("YYYY");
+ } else if (e == 3) {
+ start = moment().format("YYYY-MM");
+ end = moment().format("YYYY-MM");
+ } else if (e == 2) {
+ start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ } else {
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ }
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ date_type: e,
+ start_time: start,
+ end_time: end,
+ });
+ };
+ //页码
+ function onShowSizeChange(pn, page_size) {
+ let temFormData = {};
+ if (FormData.page_size == page_size) {
+ temFormData = {
+ ...FormData,
+ pn,
+ };
+ } else {
+ temFormData = {
+ ...FormData,
+ pn: 1,
+ page_size,
+ };
+ }
+ setFormData(temFormData);
+ setFormDatas(temFormData);
+ }
+ const onChange = (eal) => {
+ var e = eal;
+ var are = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(selectArr));
+ if (are.includes(e)) {
+ are.forEach((ele, index) => {
+ if (ele == e) {
+ are.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ are.push(e);
+ }
+ setSelectArr([...are]);
+ };
+ const SelectCol = () => {
+ return (
+ {col.map((ele) => {
+ if (ele.children) {
+ return ele.children.map((val) => {
+ return (
+ onChange(val.key)}
+ disabled={
+ selectArr.length == 19 && !selectArr.includes(val.key)
+ }
+ >
+ {val.title}
+ );
+ });
+ } else {
+ return (
+ onChange(ele.key)}
+ disabled={
+ selectArr.length == 19 && !selectArr.includes(ele.key)
+ }
+ >
+ {ele.title}
+ );
+ }
+ })}
+ );
+ };
+ //获取页面筛选数据
+ const getSelectData = () => {
+ ajax.getAllOperator().then(
+ (res) => {
+ if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
+ setYunying(res.data);
+ } else {
+ message.error(res?.message);
+ }
+ setLoading(true);
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ setLoading(true);
+ }
+ );
+ ajax.getAreaTree().then(
+ (res) => {
+ if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
+ setArea(res.data);
+ } else {
+ message.error(res?.message);
+ }
+ setLoading(true);
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ setLoading(true);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ //下载
+ const Daownload = (url) => {
+ var link = document.createElement("a");
+ link.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
+ link.style.display = "none";
+ link.href = url ? url : "";
+ document.body.appendChild(link);
+ link.click();
+ document.body.removeChild(link);
+ };
+ //导出
+ const ReportPaySummaryReport = () => {
+ ajax.ElectInvoice.getOperationReport({
+ ...FormDatas,
+ is_excel: 1,
+ }).then(
+ (res) => {
+ if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
+ Daownload(res?.data?.url);
+ } else {
+ message.error(res?.message);
+ }
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ //获取页面显示数据
+ const getData = (data) => {
+ setLoading(false);
+ ajax.ElectInvoice.getOperationReport({
+ ...data,
+ area: data?.area?.length ? data?.area[data.area.length - 1] : "",
+ }).then(
+ (res) => {
+ if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
+ setData({
+ data: res?.data?.list || [],
+ total: res?.total || 0,
+ });
+ setLoading(true);
+ } else {
+ message.error(res?.message);
+ }
+ setLoading(true);
+ },
+ (err) => {
+ console.log(err);
+ setLoading(true);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ useEffect(() => {
+ sessionStorage.setItem(
+ "FormData_OperationReport",
+ JSON.stringify(FormDatas)
+ );
+ // getData(FormDatas);
+ //调用接口
+ }, [FormDatas]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ getSelectData();
+ }, []);
+ return (
+ 日期
+ {
+ console.log(date, dateString);
+ if (TimeChange().str == "week") {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ start_time: date
+ ? moment(date).day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
+ : null,
+ });
+ } else if (TimeChange().str == "day") {
+ if (date > moment(FormData.end_time)) {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ end_time: dateString,
+ start_time: FormData.end_time,
+ });
+ } else {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ start_time: dateString,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ setFormData({ ...FormData, start_time: dateString });
+ }
+ }}
+ disabledDate={(current) => current > moment(FormData.end_time)}
+ />
+ {
+ if (TimeChange().str == "week") {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ end_time: date
+ ? moment(date).day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
+ : null,
+ });
+ } else if (TimeChange().str == "day") {
+ if (date < moment(FormData.start_time)) {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ start_time: dateString,
+ end_time: FormData.start_time,
+ });
+ } else {
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ end_time: dateString,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ setFormData({ ...FormData, end_time: dateString });
+ }
+ }}
+ disabledDate={(current) =>
+ current < moment(FormData.start_time)
+ }
+ />
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ area: e,
+ })
+ }
+ />
+ console.log(e);
+ setFormData({
+ ...FormData,
+ name: e,
+ });
+ }}
+ />
+ {
+ var reset = formdata;
+ setFormData(reset);
+ setFormDatas(reset);
+ }}
+ >
+ 重置
+ {
+ var fortm = FormData;
+ setFormData({
+ ...fortm,
+ pn: 1,
+ });
+ setFormDatas({
+ ...fortm,
+ pn: 1,
+ });
+ }}
+ >
+ 查询
+ {tabt.map((ele) => {
+ return (
+ {ele?.subtext ?
: ""}
+ );
+ })}
+ 共查询到 {Data?.total || 0}条数据
+ ReportPaySummaryReport();
+ // setFormDatas({ ...FormData });
+ }}
+ >
+ 导出
+ dataSource={Data.data}
+ pagination={false}
+ scroll={{
+ // x: 1300,
+ y: "calc(100vh - 480px)",
+ }}
+ />
`共 ${total_records} 条`}
+ total={Data.total}
+ current={FormData.pn}
+ pageSize={FormData.page_size}
+ pageSizeOptions={dictionary?.pageSizeOptions}
+ onChange={onShowSizeChange}
+ onShowSizeChange={onShowSizeChange}
+ />
+ );
-export default ExceptionParkReport;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ExceptionParkReport;
diff --git a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/ParkingAly/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/ParkingAly/loadable.jsx
index b68159d..188a192 100644
--- a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/ParkingAly/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/ParkingAly/loadable.jsx
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function ParkingAly() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.date_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
diff --git a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/PayAly/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/PayAly/loadable.jsx
index 9cd32cd..19dbc8b 100644
--- a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/PayAly/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/PayAly/loadable.jsx
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ function PayAly() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.date_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
diff --git a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/RegisterAly/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/RegisterAly/loadable.jsx
index 505e466..868aa73 100644
--- a/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/RegisterAly/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/DataAnalysisPrediction/MemberStat/RegisterAly/loadable.jsx
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function RegisterAly() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.date_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/BookReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/BookReport/loadable.jsx
index c42a6b9..72d757f 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/BookReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/BookReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ function BookReport() {
type: 1,
headname: "", //停车场名称
time_type: "1",
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -49,8 +52,11 @@ function BookReport() {
type: 2,
time_class: "1", //日期类型
time_type: "1",
- start_time: moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ function BookReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.time_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -312,8 +318,8 @@ function BookReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/OperationReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/OperationReport/loadable.jsx
index 25eb3f4..d87f86c 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/OperationReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/OperationReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -43,11 +43,14 @@ function OperationReport() {
name: "", //停车场名称
park_type: "", //车场类型 1=路内 2=路外
operator_status: [], //商用状态(1为待上线,2为商用,3为试运营,4为下线)
- area: [5910983100858368],
+ area: [],
date_type: "1",
is_excel: 0,
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ function OperationReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.date_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -430,8 +433,8 @@ function OperationReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
@@ -671,6 +674,7 @@ function OperationReport() {
value={FormData.start_time ? moment(FormData.start_time) : null}
onChange={(date, dateString) => {
+ console.log(date, dateString);
if (TimeChange().str == "week") {
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkCardReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkCardReport/loadable.jsx
index 79431ac..c44b099 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkCardReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkCardReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ function ParkCardReport() {
const formdata = {
time_type: "1",
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ function ParkCardReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.time_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -195,8 +198,8 @@ function ParkCardReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkingIncomeReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkingIncomeReport/loadable.jsx
index 42d8320..40bb4d9 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkingIncomeReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/ParkingIncomeReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -41,10 +41,13 @@ function ParkingIncomeReport() {
park_type: "", //车场类型
operator_status: [], //状态
name: "", //停车场名称
- area: [5910983100858368],
+ area: [],
date_type: "1",
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
is_excel: 0,
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ function ParkingIncomeReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.date_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -369,8 +372,8 @@ function ParkingIncomeReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PayChannelStat/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PayChannelStat/loadable.jsx
index 7244efb..7594c04 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PayChannelStat/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PayChannelStat/loadable.jsx
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ function PayChannelStat() {
const formdata = {
type: "1",
- start_time: moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment().subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ function PayChannelStat() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ function PayChannelStat() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ function PayChannelStat() {
- type: TimeChange().str,
+ type: TimeChange().str == "date" ? "day" : TimeChange().str,
(res) => {
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PaySummaryReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PaySummaryReport/loadable.jsx
index 8f06561..6ea8bcb 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PaySummaryReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PaySummaryReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ function PaySummaryReport() {
const formdata = {
operator_id: "", //商户
type: "1",
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ function PaySummaryReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -248,8 +251,8 @@ function PaySummaryReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
@@ -403,7 +406,7 @@ function PaySummaryReport() {
- type: TimeChange().str,
+ type: TimeChange().str == "date" ? "day" : TimeChange().str,
(res) => {
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) {
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PdaStat/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PdaStat/loadable.jsx
index a5d8096..646fd03 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PdaStat/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PdaStat/loadable.jsx
@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ function PdaStat() {
name: "", //姓名
time_type: "1",
is_excel: 0,
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ function PdaStat() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.time_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -230,8 +233,8 @@ function PdaStat() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
diff --git a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PreOrderReport/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PreOrderReport/loadable.jsx
index 1f117ca..3ed77a7 100644
--- a/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PreOrderReport/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/FinancialMgm/FinancialReport/PreOrderReport/loadable.jsx
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ function PreOrderReport() {
operator_id: 0, //运营商id
headname: "", //
time_type: "1",
- start_time: moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
- end_time: moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ start_time: moment()
+ .startOf("day")
+ .subtract(1, "days")
+ .format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
+ end_time: moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
pn: 1,
page_size: dictionary?.pageSizeOptions1[0],
@@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ function PreOrderReport() {
const TimeChange = () => {
let e = FormData.time_type;
- let str = "day";
+ let str = "date";
let mat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (e == 4) {
str = "year";
@@ -242,8 +245,8 @@ function PreOrderReport() {
start = moment().day(1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
end = moment().day(7).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
} else {
- start = moment().startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
- end = moment().endOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ start = moment().startOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
+ end = moment().endOf("day").subtract(1, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");