17 changed files with 2712 additions and 69 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,524 @@ |
import React from "react" |
import loadable from "@loadable/component" |
import { LoadingImg } from "@/components" |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { ResultFlowResult } from "@/components"; |
import { FormItemList } from "../components"; |
import { |
Select, |
Input, |
Button, |
Table, |
message, |
Pagination, |
Modal, |
Dropdown, |
Form, |
Checkbox, |
Row, |
Col, |
} from "antd"; |
import { useSessionStorageState } from "ahooks"; |
import { dictionary } from "@/config/common"; |
import "./index.scss"; |
import ajax from "@/services"; |
const AppConfLoadable = loadable(() => import("./loadable")) |
export default (pros) => <AppConfLoadable {...pros} fallback={<LoadingImg />} /> |
// 应用配置 |
function AppConfiguration(props) { |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
// session缓存 |
const [defaultParams, setDefaultParams] = useSessionStorageState( |
"formData_appConfiguration", |
{ defaultValue: null } |
); |
// 默认数据 |
const defaultData = { |
app_name: "", // 应用名称 |
app_type: "-1", //应用类型 |
pay_merchant_id: "-1", //支付商户名称 |
}; |
// 分页数据 |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.pn : 1, |
page_size: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.page_size : 15, |
}); |
// 表单数据 |
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ |
...defaultData, |
...defaultParams, |
}); |
// 搜索提交数据-存储 |
const [holdData, setHoldData] = useState(formData); |
// 访问接口,isAjax改变时执行 |
const [isAjax, setIsAjax] = useState(false); |
// 检索按钮加载状态 |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格加载状态 |
const [tabLoading, setTabLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格返回数据 |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
total: 0, |
list: [], |
}); |
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); |
const [actionState, setActionState] = useState(null); //操作状态 |
const [appTypeData, setAppTypeData] = useState([]); //应用类型 |
const [merchantNameData, setMerchantNameData] = useState([]); //支付商户名称 |
const defRowData = { |
id: "", |
app_name: "", |
app_type: null, |
app_id: "", |
pay_merchant_id: "", |
}; |
// 行数据 |
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState(defRowData); |
useEffect(() => { |
getSelectList(); |
}, []); |
// 访问接口,获取表格 |
useEffect(() => { |
getData(); |
}, [isAjax]); |
// 获取下拉数据 |
const getSelectList = () => { |
ajax.getAppTypeScenariosInfo().then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setAppTypeData(res.data?.app_type_scenario_arr || []); |
setMerchantNameData(res.data?.payment_merchant_list || []); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 获取列表数据 |
const getData = () => { |
let postData = { ...formData }; |
if (!loading) { |
postData = { ...holdData }; |
} |
setDefaultParams({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }); |
setTabLoading(true); |
ajax.getAppList({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }).then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setResultData(res?.data || {}); |
} else { |
message.error(res?.message); |
} |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 检索数据 |
const handleSearch = () => { |
setLoading(true); |
setPageInfo({ ...pageInfo, ...{ pn: 1 } }); |
setHoldData(formData); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}; |
// 分页 |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.total, |
pageSize: pageInfo.page_size, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: pageInfo.page_size == size ? current : 1, page_size: size }, |
}); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}, |
}; |
// 取消 |
const onCancel = () => { |
form.resetFields(); |
setActionState(null); |
setVisible(false); |
}; |
// 操作-下拉 |
const items = [ |
{ key: "view", label: "查看" }, |
{ key: "edit", label: "编辑" }, |
]; |
//列表 |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "应用名称", |
dataIndex: "app_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "应用类型", |
dataIndex: "app_type_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "支付商户名称", |
dataIndex: "payment_merchant_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "操作", |
align: "center", |
width: 140, |
render: (val, row, index) => { |
return ( |
<Dropdown |
arrow |
placement="bottom" |
menu={{ |
items, |
onClick: (key) => { |
return clickDropDown(key, row); |
}, |
}} |
> |
<Button type="primary">操作</Button> |
</Dropdown> |
); |
}, |
}, |
]; |
// 操作 |
const clickDropDown = (param, record) => { |
ajax |
.getAppDetails({ |
id: record.id, |
}) |
.then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
setActionState(param.key); |
setRowData(res.data || {}); |
form.setFieldsValue(res.data || {}); |
setVisible(true); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 添加 |
const handleAdd = () => { |
setActionState("add"); |
setRowData(defRowData); |
form.setFieldsValue(defRowData); |
setVisible(true); |
}; |
// 弹窗标题 |
const getModalTitle = (key) => { |
switch (key) { |
case "view": |
return "查看应用配置"; |
case "edit": |
return "编辑应用配置"; |
case "add": |
return "添加应用配置"; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}; |
// 表单改变事件 |
const handleForm = async (changedValues, allValues) => { |
let obj = {}; |
let key = Object.keys(changedValues)[0]; |
let val = Object.values(changedValues)[0]; |
switch (key) { |
case "app_type": |
obj[key] = val; |
obj.pay_scenario = ""; |
break; |
default: |
obj[key] = val; |
break; |
} |
form.setFieldsValue({ ...allValues, ...obj }); |
}; |
// 表单提交 |
const onFinish = (values) => { |
ajax[values?.id ? "getAppEdit" : "getAppAdd"]({ |
...values, |
}).then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
message.success(res.message); |
setVisible(false); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="app-configuration"> |
<div className="paid-search"> |
<div className="title">查询条件</div> |
<div className="form-Wrap"> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>应用名称</label> |
<Input |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请输入内容" |
value={formData?.app_name} |
onChange={(e) => |
setFormData({ ...formData, app_name: e.target.value }) |
} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>应用类型</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...appTypeData]} |
value={formData?.app_type || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => setFormData({ ...formData, app_type: v })} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>支付商户名称</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...merchantNameData]} |
value={formData?.pay_merchant_id || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => |
setFormData({ ...formData, pay_merchant_id: v }) |
} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-btn"> |
<Button |
className="reset" |
onClick={() => setFormData(defaultData)} |
> |
重置 |
</Button> |
<Button |
className="submit" |
type="primary" |
onClick={handleSearch} |
loading={loading} |
> |
查询 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="paid-result"> |
<div className="result"> |
<div className="row-head"> |
<span className="number-wrapper"> |
<span className="letter">共查询到</span> |
<span className="total-number">{resultData.total || 0} </span> |
<span className="letter">条结果</span> |
</span> |
<div> |
<Button type="primary" className="green" onClick={handleAdd}> |
添加 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tabLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className="yisa-table" |
rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
loading={tabLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Modal |
open={visible} |
width={720} |
onCancel={onCancel} |
footer={null} |
className="modal-pay-configuration" |
title={getModalTitle(actionState)} |
> |
<div className="form-container"> |
<Form |
labelCol={{ span: 4 }} |
wrapperCol={{ span: 18 }} |
layout="horizontal" |
form={form} |
initialValues={rowData} |
onValuesChange={handleForm} |
onFinish={onFinish} |
> |
<Form.Item name="id" hidden> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
{[ |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "应用类型", |
name: "app_type", |
value: rowData?.app_type_name, |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
required: actionState !== "view", |
options: appTypeData, |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "应用名称", |
name: "app_name", |
value: rowData?.app_name, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "APPID", |
name: "app_id", |
value: rowData?.app_id, |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList |
actionState={actionState} |
key={item.name} |
{...item} |
/> |
))} |
<Form.Item |
noStyle |
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) => |
prevValues.app_type !== currentValues.app_type |
} |
> |
{({ getFieldValue }) => { |
return ( |
<> |
{[9, 10, 11].includes(getFieldValue("app_type")) && ( |
<Form.Item |
label="APPSecret" |
name="app_secret" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "必填", |
}, |
]} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
<> |
{rowData?.app_secret} |
<Input hidden /> |
</> |
) : ( |
<Input |
autoComplete="off" |
disabled={actionState !== "add"} |
/> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
)} |
<Form.Item |
label="支付场景" |
name="pay_scenario" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "必填", |
}, |
]} |
> |
<Checkbox.Group> |
<Row> |
{appTypeData |
?.filter( |
(item) => item.id === getFieldValue("app_type") |
)[0] |
?.payment_scenario_list?.map((v) => { |
return ( |
<Col key={v.id}> |
<Checkbox |
disabled={actionState === "view"} |
value={v.id} |
style={{ |
lineHeight: "32px", |
marginRight: 30, |
}} |
> |
{v.text} |
</Checkbox> |
</Col> |
); |
})} |
</Row> |
</Checkbox.Group> |
</Form.Item> |
</> |
); |
}} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item className="submitBtn" wrapperCol={{ span: 24 }}> |
{actionState !== "view" && ( |
<Button type="primary" className="submit" htmlType="submit"> |
保存 |
</Button> |
)} |
<Button className="cancel" onClick={onCancel}> |
取消 |
</Button> |
</Form.Item> |
</Form> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
export default AppConfiguration; |
@ -1,5 +1,211 @@ |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
$color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg); |
$color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg); |
$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg); |
$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg); |
$color-text : var(--color-text); |
$color-text : var(--color-text); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
.app-configuration { |
display: flex; |
padding-top: 10px; |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
overflow-y: auto; |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
.paid-search { |
display: block; |
width: 375px; |
padding: 10px 10px 20px 20px; |
.title { |
width: 100%; |
font-size: 16px; |
font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Bold; |
font-weight: 700; |
text-align: left; |
color: var(--color-text); |
margin-bottom: 20px; |
} |
.form-Wrap { |
height: calc(100% - 45px); |
overflow-y: auto; |
scrollbar-width: none; |
-ms-overflow-style: none; |
&::-webkit-scrollbar { |
display: none; |
} |
} |
.ant-select-selector, |
.ant-picker, |
.ant-input { |
background-color: var(--color-search-list-item-bg) !important; |
box-shadow: none !important; |
color: var(--color-search-list-item-value); |
border-color: var(--color-search-list-item-bd) !important; |
} |
.yisa-search { |
width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
margin-bottom: 24px; |
label { |
color: var(--color-search-list-item-text); |
flex: 0 0 25%; |
max-width: 25%; |
text-align: right; |
padding-right: 8px; |
} |
.form-con { |
flex: 1; |
width: 220px; |
} |
} |
.form-btn { |
display: flex; |
flex-flow: row nowrap; |
justify-content: space-between; |
margin: 40px 0px 0px; |
padding: 0 3px; |
.ant-btn+.ant-btn { |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.ant-btn span { |
font-size: 16px; |
font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Regular; |
font-weight: 400; |
text-align: center; |
color: #ffffff; |
} |
.reset { |
width: 90px; |
height: 36px; |
background: var(--button-default-bg); |
} |
.submit { |
width: calc(100% - 100px); |
height: 36px; |
} |
} |
} |
.ant-btn+.ant-btn { |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.green { |
background-color: #67c23a; |
border-color: #67c23a; |
} |
.paid-result { |
width: calc(100% - 375px); |
padding-bottom: 15px; |
padding: 20px; |
background: var(--color-user-list-bg); |
border-top-left-radius: 20px; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); |
.result { |
@include flex-columns; |
.row-head { |
height: 32px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: space-between; |
margin-bottom: 13px; |
.number-wrapper { |
display: inline-flex; |
align-items: center; |
font-size: 14px; |
.letter { |
color: var(--color-text); |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
.total-number { |
color: var(--color-primary); |
font-weight: bold; |
margin: 0 4px; |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
} |
} |
.cc-result-flow { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 34px - 13px); |
.yisa-table { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 32px - 15px); |
overflow-y: auto !important; |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
.ant-table-thead { |
th { |
background: var(--color-table-header-bg) !important; |
} |
} |
.ant-table-tbody { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg) !important; |
border-bottom-color: var(--color-table-border-bottom-color); |
} |
tr:nth-child(even) { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg-nth-child-even) !important; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.modal-pay-configuration { |
.submitBtn { |
text-align: center; |
margin: 20px 0 0; |
.ant-btn { |
width: 80px; |
height: 35px; |
border: none; |
border-radius: 4px; |
span { |
color: #ffffff; |
} |
} |
.submit { |
background: #409eff; |
} |
.cancel { |
background: var(--button-default-bg); |
margin-left: 20px; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; |
// import { message, Pagination, Table, Space, Modal, } from "antd"; |
// import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common"; |
// import moment from 'moment' |
// import { useSessionStorageState, useUpdateEffect, useSize, useUpdate } from 'ahooks'; |
// import ajax from "@/services" |
// import { FormInput, FormSelect, OptionPanel, ResultPanel, FormSliderPicker, AreaCascader, ImgResize, ImgZoom, } from "@/components" |
// import "./index.scss"; |
// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png" |
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; |
function AppConf() { |
return <div>AppConf</div> |
} |
export default AppConf; |
@ -1,6 +1,786 @@ |
import React from "react" |
import loadable from "@loadable/component" |
import { LoadingImg } from "@/components" |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { ResultFlowResult } from "@/components"; |
import { FormItemList } from "../components"; |
import { |
Select, |
Input, |
Button, |
Table, |
message, |
Pagination, |
Modal, |
Dropdown, |
Form, |
} from "antd"; |
import { useSessionStorageState } from "ahooks"; |
import { dictionary } from "@/config/common"; |
import "./index.scss"; |
import ajax from "@/services"; |
const PayMerchantConfLoadable = loadable(() => import("./loadable")) |
export default (pros) => <PayMerchantConfLoadable {...pros} fallback={<LoadingImg />} /> |
// 支付商户配置 |
function MerchantConfiguration(props) { |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
// session缓存 |
const [defaultParams, setDefaultParams] = useSessionStorageState( |
"formData_merchantConfiguration", |
{ defaultValue: null } |
); |
// 默认数据 |
const defaultData = { |
payment_merchant_name: "-1", //支付商户名称 |
type: "-1", //商户类型 |
platform: "-1", //配置平台 |
}; |
// 分页数据 |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.pn : 1, |
page_size: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.page_size : 15, |
}); |
// 表单数据 |
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ |
...defaultData, |
...defaultParams, |
}); |
// 搜索提交数据-存储 |
const [holdData, setHoldData] = useState(formData); |
// 访问接口,isAjax改变时执行 |
const [isAjax, setIsAjax] = useState(false); |
// 检索按钮加载状态 |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格加载状态 |
const [tabLoading, setTabLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格返回数据 |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
total: 0, |
list: [], |
}); |
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); |
const [actionState, setActionState] = useState(null); //操作状态 |
const [merchantNameData, setMerchantNameData] = useState([]); //支付商户名称 |
const [merchantTypeData, setMerchantTypeData] = useState([]); //商户类型 |
const [merchantPlatformData, setMerchantPlatformData] = useState([]); //商户平台 |
const [platformToAppData, setPlatformToAppData] = useState([]); //根据配置平台获取相关应用数据 |
const defRowData = { |
id: "", |
// 唯一id |
platform: null, |
//配置平台 |
payment_merchant_name: "", |
//商户名称 |
type: null, |
//商户类型 |
merchant_id: "", |
//商户ID |
api_key: "", |
//APIkey |
wechat_official_account: "", |
//(微信)微信公众号 |
wechat_mini_program: "", |
//(微信)微信小程序 |
wechat_app: "", |
//(微信)APP (商户类型为普通时,有该选项) |
alipay_partner: "", |
//(支付宝) |
alipay_private_key: "", |
//(支付宝) |
alipay_ali_public_key: "", |
//(支付宝) |
service_window: "", |
//(支付宝)服务窗 |
alipay_app: "", |
//(支付宝)APP-支付宝 |
online_terminal_num: "", |
//(招商银行 服务商)线上终端号 |
offline_terminal_num: "", |
//(招商银行 服务商)线下终端号 |
online_main_merchant_id: "", |
//(招商银行 服务商)线上主商户ID |
offline_main_merchant_id: "", |
//(招商银行 服务商)线下主商户ID |
payment_channels: "", |
//(招商银行 服务商)支付渠道配置 应用配置 |
special_merchant: "", |
//(招商银行 特约商户)主商户名称 |
online_sub_merchant_id: "", |
//(招商银行 特约商户)线上子商户ID |
offline_sub_merchant_id: "", |
//(招商银行 特约商户)线下子商户ID |
}; |
// 行数据 |
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState(defRowData); |
useEffect(() => { |
getSelectList(); |
}, []); |
// 访问接口,获取表格 |
useEffect(() => { |
getData(); |
}, [isAjax]); |
// 获取下拉数据 |
const getSelectList = () => { |
ajax.getPaymentMerchantSelectInfo().then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setMerchantNameData(res.data?.payment_merchant_list || []); |
setMerchantTypeData(res.data?.payment_merchant_type || []); |
setMerchantPlatformData(res.data?.payment_merchant_platform || []); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 获取列表数据 |
const getData = () => { |
let postData = { ...formData }; |
if (!loading) { |
postData = { ...holdData }; |
} |
setDefaultParams({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }); |
setTabLoading(true); |
ajax.getPaymentMerchantList({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }).then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setResultData(res?.data || {}); |
} else { |
message.error(res?.message); |
} |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 检索数据 |
const handleSearch = () => { |
setLoading(true); |
setPageInfo({ ...pageInfo, ...{ pn: 1 } }); |
setHoldData(formData); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}; |
// 分页 |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.total, |
pageSize: pageInfo.page_size, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: pageInfo.page_size == size ? current : 1, page_size: size }, |
}); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}, |
}; |
// 取消 |
const onCancel = () => { |
form.resetFields(); |
setActionState(null); |
setVisible(false); |
}; |
// 操作-下拉 |
const items = [ |
{ key: "view", label: "查看" }, |
{ key: "edit", label: "编辑" }, |
]; |
//列表 |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "支付商户名称", |
dataIndex: "payment_merchant_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "商户类型", |
dataIndex: "type_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "平台", |
dataIndex: "platform_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "操作", |
align: "center", |
width: 140, |
render: (val, row, index) => { |
return ( |
<Dropdown |
arrow |
placement="bottom" |
menu={{ |
items, |
onClick: (key) => { |
return clickDropDown(key, row); |
}, |
}} |
> |
<Button type="primary">操作</Button> |
</Dropdown> |
); |
}, |
}, |
]; |
// 操作 |
const clickDropDown = (param, record) => { |
ajax |
.getPaymentMerchantDetails({ |
id: record.id, |
}) |
.then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
setActionState(param.key); |
setRowData(res.data || {}); |
form.setFieldsValue(res.data || {}); |
setVisible(true); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 添加 |
const handleAdd = () => { |
setActionState("add"); |
setRowData(defRowData); |
form.setFieldsValue(defRowData); |
setVisible(true); |
}; |
// 弹窗标题 |
const getModalTitle = (key) => { |
switch (key) { |
case "view": |
return "查看支付商户配置"; |
case "edit": |
return "编辑支付商户配置"; |
case "add": |
return "添加支付商户配置"; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}; |
// 表单改变事件 |
const handleForm = async (changedValues, allValues) => { |
let obj = {}; |
let key = Object.keys(changedValues)[0]; |
let val = Object.values(changedValues)[0]; |
switch (key) { |
case "platform": |
obj[key] = val; |
obj.type = null; |
getPlatformSelectList(val); |
break; |
default: |
obj[key] = val; |
break; |
} |
form.setFieldsValue({ ...allValues, ...obj }); |
}; |
// 表单提交 |
const onFinish = (values) => { |
ajax[values?.id ? "getPaymentMerchantEdit" : "getPaymentMerchantAdd"]({ |
...values, |
}).then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
message.success(res.message); |
setVisible(false); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 根据配置平台获取相关应用数据 |
const getPlatformSelectList = (platform) => { |
ajax.getPlatformToAppList({ platform }).then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setPlatformToAppData(res.data || {}); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 平台类型=>pt(1微信、2支付宝、3招商银行、4数字人民币、5ETC) |
// 商户类型=>mt(1普通商户、2服务商、3特约商户) |
const dynamicFormItem = (pt, mt) => { |
if (pt === 1) { |
if (mt === 1 || mt === 2) { |
return [ |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_1", |
title: "微信公众平台配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "商户ID", |
name: "merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "APIkey", |
name: "api_key", |
value: rowData?.api_key, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "微信公众号", |
name: "wechat_official_account", |
value: rowData?.wechat_official_account_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.wechat_official_account || [], |
required: false, |
allowClear: true, |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "微信小程序", |
name: "wechat_mini_program", |
value: rowData?.wechat_mini_program_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.wechat_mini_program || [], |
required: false, |
allowClear: true, |
}, |
] |
.concat( |
mt === 1 |
? [ |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "APP", |
name: "wechat_app", |
value: rowData?.wechat_app_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.wechat_app || [], |
required: false, |
allowClear: true, |
}, |
] |
: [] |
) |
.map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList actionState={actionState} key={item.name} {...item} /> |
)); |
} else if (mt === 3) { |
return [ |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "父商户", |
name: "parent_merchant", |
value: rowData?.parent_merchant_name, |
options: [], |
required: actionState !== "view", |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
}, |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_1", |
title: "微信公众平台配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "商户ID", |
name: "merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList actionState={actionState} key={item.name} {...item} /> |
)); |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} else if (pt === 2) { |
return [ |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_1", |
title: "支付宝商户配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "ALIPAY_PARTNER", |
name: "alipay_partner", |
value: rowData?.alipay_partner, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
name: "alipay_private_key", |
value: rowData?.alipay_private_key, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
name: "alipay_ali_public_key", |
value: rowData?.alipay_ali_public_key, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "服务窗", |
name: "service_window", |
value: rowData?.service_window_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.service_window || [], |
required: false, |
allowClear: true, |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "APP-支付宝", |
name: "alipay_app", |
value: rowData?.alipay_app_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.alipay_app || [], |
required: false, |
allowClear: true, |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList actionState={actionState} key={item.name} {...item} /> |
)); |
} else if (pt === 3) { |
if (mt === 2) { |
return [ |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_1", |
title: "服务商配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "商户ID", |
name: "merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "APIkey", |
name: "api_key", |
value: rowData?.api_key, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线上终端号", |
name: "online_terminal_num", |
value: rowData?.online_terminal_num, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线下终端号", |
name: "offline_terminal_num", |
value: rowData?.offline_terminal_num, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线上主商户ID", |
name: "online_main_merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.online_main_merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线下主商户ID", |
name: "offline_main_merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.offline_main_merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_2", |
title: "支付渠道配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "应用选择", |
name: "payment_channels", |
value: rowData?.payment_channels_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.payment_channels || [], |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList actionState={actionState} key={item.name} {...item} /> |
)); |
} else if (mt === 3) { |
return [ |
{ |
type: "title", |
name: "title_1", |
title: "特约商户配置", |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "主商户名称", |
name: "special_merchant", |
value: rowData?.special_merchant_name, |
options: platformToAppData?.special_merchant || [], |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "商户ID", |
name: "merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.merchant_id, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线上子商户ID", |
name: "online_sub_merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.online_sub_merchant_id, |
required: false, |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "线下子商户ID", |
name: "offline_sub_merchant_id", |
value: rowData?.offline_sub_merchant_id, |
required: false, |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList actionState={actionState} key={item.name} {...item} /> |
)); |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="merchant-configuration"> |
<div className="paid-search"> |
<div className="title">查询条件</div> |
<div className="form-Wrap"> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>支付商户名称</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...merchantNameData]} |
value={formData?.payment_merchant_name || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => |
setFormData({ ...formData, payment_merchant_name: v }) |
} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>商户类型</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...merchantTypeData]} |
value={formData?.type || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => setFormData({ ...formData, type: v })} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>平台</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[ |
...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], |
...merchantPlatformData, |
]} |
value={formData?.platform || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => setFormData({ ...formData, platform: v })} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-btn"> |
<Button |
className="reset" |
onClick={() => setFormData(defaultData)} |
> |
重置 |
</Button> |
<Button |
className="submit" |
type="primary" |
onClick={handleSearch} |
loading={loading} |
> |
查询 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="paid-result"> |
<div className="result"> |
<div className="row-head"> |
<span className="number-wrapper"> |
<span className="letter">共查询到</span> |
<span className="total-number">{resultData.total || 0} </span> |
<span className="letter">条结果</span> |
</span> |
<div> |
<Button type="primary" className="green" onClick={handleAdd}> |
添加 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tabLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className="yisa-table" |
rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
loading={tabLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Modal |
open={visible} |
width={720} |
onCancel={onCancel} |
footer={null} |
className="modal-pay-configuration" |
title={getModalTitle(actionState)} |
> |
<div className="form-container"> |
<Form |
labelCol={{ span: 6 }} |
wrapperCol={{ span: 16 }} |
layout="horizontal" |
form={form} |
initialValues={rowData} |
onValuesChange={handleForm} |
onFinish={onFinish} |
> |
<Form.Item name="id" hidden> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
{[ |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "配置平台", |
name: "platform", |
value: rowData?.platform_name, |
options: merchantPlatformData, |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "input", |
label: "商户名称", |
name: "payment_merchant_name", |
value: rowData?.payment_merchant_name, |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
{ |
type: "select", |
label: "商户类型", |
name: "type", |
value: rowData?.type_name, |
options: platformToAppData.merchant_type_id_list || [], |
disabled: actionState !== "add", |
required: actionState !== "view", |
}, |
].map((item) => ( |
<FormItemList |
actionState={actionState} |
key={item.name} |
{...item} |
/> |
))} |
<Form.Item |
noStyle |
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) => |
prevValues.platform !== currentValues.platform || |
prevValues.type !== currentValues.type |
} |
> |
{({ getFieldValue }) => { |
return ( |
<> |
{dynamicFormItem( |
getFieldValue("platform"), |
getFieldValue("type") |
)} |
</> |
); |
}} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item className="submitBtn" wrapperCol={{ span: 24 }}> |
{actionState !== "view" && ( |
<Button type="primary" className="submit" htmlType="submit"> |
保存 |
</Button> |
)} |
<Button className="cancel" onClick={onCancel}> |
取消 |
</Button> |
</Form.Item> |
</Form> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
export default MerchantConfiguration; |
@ -1,5 +1,212 @@ |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
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$color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg); |
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$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg); |
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$color-text : var(--color-text); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
.merchant-configuration { |
display: flex; |
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font-weight: 700; |
text-align: left; |
color: var(--color-text); |
margin-bottom: 20px; |
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overflow-y: auto; |
scrollbar-width: none; |
-ms-overflow-style: none; |
&::-webkit-scrollbar { |
display: none; |
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.ant-select-selector, |
.ant-picker, |
.ant-input { |
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color: var(--color-search-list-item-value); |
border-color: var(--color-search-list-item-bd) !important; |
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width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
margin-bottom: 24px; |
label { |
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flex: 0 0 25%; |
max-width: 25%; |
text-align: right; |
padding-right: 8px; |
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flex: 1; |
width: 220px; |
} |
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.form-btn { |
display: flex; |
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font-size: 16px; |
font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Regular; |
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text-align: center; |
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.reset { |
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background: var(--button-default-bg); |
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.submit { |
width: calc(100% - 100px); |
height: 36px; |
} |
} |
} |
.ant-btn+.ant-btn { |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.green { |
background-color: #67c23a; |
border-color: #67c23a; |
} |
.paid-result { |
width: calc(100% - 375px); |
padding-bottom: 15px; |
padding: 20px; |
background: var(--color-user-list-bg); |
border-top-left-radius: 20px; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); |
.result { |
@include flex-columns; |
.row-head { |
height: 32px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: space-between; |
margin-bottom: 13px; |
.number-wrapper { |
display: inline-flex; |
align-items: center; |
font-size: 14px; |
.letter { |
color: var(--color-text); |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
.total-number { |
color: var(--color-primary); |
font-weight: bold; |
margin: 0 4px; |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
} |
} |
.cc-result-flow { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 34px - 13px); |
.yisa-table { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 32px - 15px); |
overflow-y: auto !important; |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
.ant-table-thead { |
th { |
background: var(--color-table-header-bg) !important; |
} |
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.ant-table-tbody { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg) !important; |
border-bottom-color: var(--color-table-border-bottom-color); |
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tr:nth-child(even) { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg-nth-child-even) !important; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.modal-pay-configuration { |
.submitBtn { |
text-align: center; |
margin: 20px 0 0; |
.ant-btn { |
width: 80px; |
height: 35px; |
border: none; |
border-radius: 4px; |
span { |
color: #ffffff; |
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.submit { |
background: #409eff; |
} |
.cancel { |
background: var(--button-default-bg); |
margin-left: 20px; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; |
// import { message, Pagination, Table, Space, Modal, } from "antd"; |
// import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common"; |
// import moment from 'moment' |
// import { useSessionStorageState, useUpdateEffect, useSize, useUpdate } from 'ahooks'; |
// import ajax from "@/services" |
// import { FormInput, FormSelect, OptionPanel, ResultPanel, FormSliderPicker, AreaCascader, ImgResize, ImgZoom, } from "@/components" |
// import "./index.scss"; |
// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png" |
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; |
function PayMerchantConf() { |
return <div>PayMerchantConf</div> |
} |
export default PayMerchantConf; |
@ -1,6 +1,541 @@ |
import React from "react" |
import loadable from "@loadable/component" |
import { LoadingImg } from "@/components" |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; |
import { ResultFlowResult } from "@/components"; |
import { |
Select, |
Input, |
Button, |
Table, |
message, |
Pagination, |
Modal, |
Dropdown, |
Form, |
Checkbox, |
Row, |
Col, |
} from "antd"; |
import { useSessionStorageState } from "ahooks"; |
import { dictionary } from "@/config/common"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import "./index.scss"; |
import ajax from "@/services"; |
const PlatformMerchantConfLoadable = loadable(() => import("./loadable")) |
export default (pros) => <PlatformMerchantConfLoadable {...pros} fallback={<LoadingImg />} /> |
// 平台商户配置 |
function PlatformConfiguration(props) { |
const [form] = Form.useForm(); |
// session缓存 |
const [defaultParams, setDefaultParams] = useSessionStorageState( |
"formData_platformConfiguration", |
{ defaultValue: null } |
); |
// 默认数据 |
const defaultData = { |
app_name: "", // 应用名称 |
app_type: "-1", //应用类型 |
pay_merchant_id: "-1", //支付商户名称 |
}; |
// 分页数据 |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.pn : 1, |
page_size: defaultParams ? defaultParams?.page_size : 15, |
}); |
// 表单数据 |
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ |
...defaultData, |
...defaultParams, |
}); |
// 搜索提交数据-存储 |
const [holdData, setHoldData] = useState(formData); |
// 访问接口,isAjax改变时执行 |
const [isAjax, setIsAjax] = useState(false); |
// 检索按钮加载状态 |
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格加载状态 |
const [tabLoading, setTabLoading] = useState(false); |
// 表格返回数据 |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
total: 0, |
list: [], |
}); |
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); |
const [actionState, setActionState] = useState(null); //操作状态 |
const [appTypeData, setAppTypeData] = useState([]); //应用类型 |
const [payMerchantData, setPayMerchantData] = useState([]); //支付商户名称 |
const defRowData = { |
id: "", |
app_name: "", |
app_type: "", |
app_id: "", |
pay_merchant_id: "", |
}; |
// 行数据 |
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState(defRowData); |
useEffect(() => { |
getSelectList(); |
}, []); |
// 访问接口,获取表格 |
useEffect(() => { |
getData(); |
}, [isAjax]); |
// 获取下拉数据 |
const getSelectList = () => { |
ajax.getAppTypeScenariosInfo().then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setAppTypeData(res.data?.app_type_scenario_arr || []); |
setPayMerchantData(res.data?.payment_merchant_list || []); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 获取列表数据 |
const getData = () => { |
let postData = { ...formData }; |
if (!loading) { |
postData = { ...holdData }; |
} |
setDefaultParams({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }); |
setTabLoading(true); |
ajax.getAppList({ ...postData, ...pageInfo }).then( |
(res) => { |
if (parseInt(res?.status) === 20000) { |
setResultData(res?.data || {}); |
} else { |
message.error(res?.message); |
} |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
setLoading(false); |
setTabLoading(false); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 检索数据 |
const handleSearch = () => { |
setLoading(true); |
setPageInfo({ ...pageInfo, ...{ pn: 1 } }); |
setHoldData(formData); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}; |
// 分页 |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.total, |
pageSize: pageInfo.page_size, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: pageInfo.page_size == size ? current : 1, page_size: size }, |
}); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
}, |
}; |
// 取消 |
const onCancel = () => { |
form.resetFields(); |
setActionState(null); |
setVisible(false); |
}; |
// 操作-下拉 |
const items = [ |
{ key: "view", label: "查看" }, |
{ key: "edit", label: "编辑" }, |
]; |
//列表 |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "应用名称", |
dataIndex: "app_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "应用类型", |
dataIndex: "app_type_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "支付商户名称", |
dataIndex: "payment_merchant_name", |
align: "center", |
}, |
{ |
title: "操作", |
align: "center", |
width: 140, |
render: (val, row, index) => { |
return ( |
<Dropdown |
arrow |
placement="bottom" |
menu={{ |
items, |
onClick: (key) => { |
return clickDropDown(key, row); |
}, |
}} |
> |
<Button type="primary">操作</Button> |
</Dropdown> |
); |
}, |
}, |
]; |
// 操作 |
const clickDropDown = (param, record) => { |
ajax |
.getAppDetails({ |
id: record.id, |
}) |
.then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
setActionState(param.key); |
setRowData(res.data || {}); |
form.setFieldsValue(res.data || {}); |
setVisible(true); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
// 添加 |
const handleAdd = () => { |
setActionState("add"); |
setRowData(defRowData); |
form.setFieldsValue(defRowData); |
setVisible(true); |
}; |
// 弹窗标题 |
const getModalTitle = (key) => { |
switch (key) { |
case "view": |
return "查看应用配置"; |
case "edit": |
return "编辑应用配置"; |
case "add": |
return "添加应用配置"; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}; |
// 表单改变事件 |
const handleForm = async (changedValues, allValues) => { |
let obj = {}; |
let key = Object.keys(changedValues)[0]; |
let val = Object.values(changedValues)[0]; |
switch (key) { |
case "app_type": |
obj[key] = val; |
obj.pay_scenario = ""; |
break; |
default: |
obj[key] = val; |
break; |
} |
form.setFieldsValue({ ...allValues, ...obj }); |
}; |
// 表单提交 |
const onFinish = (values) => { |
ajax[values?.id ? "getAppEdit" : "getAppAdd"]({ |
...values, |
}).then( |
(res) => { |
if (res?.status == 20000) { |
message.success(res.message); |
setVisible(false); |
setIsAjax(!isAjax); |
} else { |
message.error(res.message); |
} |
}, |
(err) => { |
console.log(err); |
} |
); |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<div className="platform-configuration"> |
<div className="paid-search"> |
<div className="title">查询条件</div> |
<div className="form-Wrap"> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>应用名称</label> |
<Input |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请输入内容" |
value={formData?.app_name} |
onChange={(e) => |
setFormData({ ...formData, app_name: e.target.value }) |
} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>应用类型</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...appTypeData]} |
value={formData?.app_type || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => setFormData({ ...formData, app_type: v })} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="yisa-search"> |
<label>支付商户名称</label> |
<Select |
className="form-con" |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={[...[{ text: "全部", id: "-1" }], ...payMerchantData]} |
value={formData?.pay_merchant_id || undefined} |
onChange={(v) => |
setFormData({ ...formData, pay_merchant_id: v }) |
} |
/> |
</div> |
<div className="form-btn"> |
<Button |
className="reset" |
onClick={() => setFormData(defaultData)} |
> |
重置 |
</Button> |
<Button |
className="submit" |
type="primary" |
onClick={handleSearch} |
loading={loading} |
> |
查询 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="paid-result"> |
<div className="result"> |
<div className="row-head"> |
<span className="number-wrapper"> |
<span className="letter">共查询到</span> |
<span className="total-number">{resultData.total || 0} </span> |
<span className="letter">条结果</span> |
</span> |
<div> |
<Button type="primary" className="green" onClick={handleAdd}> |
添加 |
</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tabLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className="yisa-table" |
rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
loading={tabLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Modal |
open={visible} |
width={720} |
onCancel={onCancel} |
footer={null} |
className="modal-pay-configuration" |
title={getModalTitle(actionState)} |
> |
<div className="form-container"> |
<Form |
labelCol={{ span: 4 }} |
wrapperCol={{ span: 18 }} |
layout="horizontal" |
form={form} |
initialValues={rowData} |
onValuesChange={handleForm} |
onFinish={onFinish} |
> |
<Form.Item name="id" hidden> |
<Input /> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="应用类型" |
name="app_type" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "请选择应用类型", |
}, |
]} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
rowData.app_type_name |
) : ( |
<Select |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
disabled={actionState === "edit"} |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={appTypeData} |
/> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="应用名称" |
name="app_name" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "请输入应用名称", |
}, |
]} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
rowData.app_name |
) : ( |
<Input autoComplete="off" /> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="APPID" |
name="app_id" |
rules={[ |
{ required: actionState !== "view", message: "请输入APPID" }, |
]} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
rowData.app_id |
) : ( |
<Input autoComplete="off" disabled={actionState === "edit"} /> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
noStyle |
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) => |
prevValues.app_type !== currentValues.app_type |
} |
> |
{({ getFieldValue }) => { |
return ( |
<> |
{[9, 10, 11].includes(getFieldValue("app_type")) && ( |
<Form.Item |
label="APPSecret" |
name="app_secret" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "请输入APPSecret", |
}, |
]} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
rowData.app_secret |
) : ( |
<Input |
autoComplete="off" |
disabled={actionState === "edit"} |
/> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
)} |
<Form.Item |
label="支付场景" |
name="pay_scenario" |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: actionState !== "view", |
message: "请选择支付场景", |
}, |
]} |
> |
<Checkbox.Group> |
<Row> |
{appTypeData |
?.filter( |
(item) => item.id === getFieldValue("app_type") |
)[0] |
?.payment_scenario_list?.map((v) => { |
return ( |
<Col key={v.id}> |
<Checkbox |
disabled={actionState === "view"} |
value={v.id} |
style={{ |
lineHeight: "32px", |
marginRight: 30, |
}} |
> |
{v.text} |
</Checkbox> |
</Col> |
); |
})} |
</Row> |
</Checkbox.Group> |
</Form.Item> |
</> |
); |
}} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item className="submitBtn" wrapperCol={{ span: 24 }}> |
{actionState !== "view" && ( |
<Button type="primary" className="submit" htmlType="submit"> |
保存 |
</Button> |
)} |
<Button className="cancel" onClick={onCancel}> |
取消 |
</Button> |
</Form.Item> |
</Form> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
export default PlatformConfiguration; |
@ -1,5 +1,212 @@ |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
$color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg); |
$color-container-bg : var(--color-container-bg); |
$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg); |
$color-user-list-bg : var(--color-user-list-bg); |
$color-text : var(--color-text); |
$color-text : var(--color-text); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
$color-primary : var(--color-primary); |
.platform-configuration { |
display: flex; |
padding-top: 10px; |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
overflow-y: auto; |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
.paid-search { |
display: block; |
width: 375px; |
padding: 10px 10px 20px 20px; |
.title { |
width: 100%; |
font-size: 16px; |
font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Bold; |
font-weight: 700; |
text-align: left; |
color: var(--color-text); |
margin-bottom: 20px; |
} |
.form-Wrap { |
height: calc(100% - 45px); |
overflow-y: auto; |
scrollbar-width: none; |
-ms-overflow-style: none; |
&::-webkit-scrollbar { |
display: none; |
} |
} |
.ant-select-selector, |
.ant-picker, |
.ant-input { |
background-color: var(--color-search-list-item-bg) !important; |
box-shadow: none !important; |
color: var(--color-search-list-item-value); |
border-color: var(--color-search-list-item-bd) !important; |
} |
.yisa-search { |
width: 100%; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
margin-bottom: 24px; |
label { |
color: var(--color-search-list-item-text); |
flex: 0 0 25%; |
max-width: 25%; |
text-align: right; |
padding-right: 8px; |
} |
.form-con { |
flex: 1; |
width: 220px; |
} |
} |
.form-btn { |
display: flex; |
flex-flow: row nowrap; |
justify-content: space-between; |
margin: 40px 0px 0px; |
padding: 0 3px; |
.ant-btn+.ant-btn { |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.ant-btn span { |
font-size: 16px; |
font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Microsoft YaHei-Regular; |
font-weight: 400; |
text-align: center; |
color: #ffffff; |
} |
.reset { |
width: 90px; |
height: 36px; |
background: var(--button-default-bg); |
} |
.submit { |
width: calc(100% - 100px); |
height: 36px; |
} |
} |
} |
.ant-btn+.ant-btn { |
margin-left: 10px; |
} |
.green { |
background-color: #67c23a; |
border-color: #67c23a; |
} |
.paid-result { |
width: calc(100% - 375px); |
padding-bottom: 15px; |
padding: 20px; |
background: var(--color-user-list-bg); |
border-top-left-radius: 20px; |
box-shadow: 0px 3px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); |
.result { |
@include flex-columns; |
.row-head { |
height: 32px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: space-between; |
margin-bottom: 13px; |
.number-wrapper { |
display: inline-flex; |
align-items: center; |
font-size: 14px; |
.letter { |
color: var(--color-text); |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
.total-number { |
color: var(--color-primary); |
font-weight: bold; |
margin: 0 4px; |
font-size: 14px; |
} |
} |
} |
.cc-result-flow { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 34px - 13px); |
.yisa-table { |
width: 100%; |
height: calc(100% - 32px - 15px); |
overflow-y: auto !important; |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
.ant-table-thead { |
th { |
background: var(--color-table-header-bg) !important; |
} |
} |
.ant-table-tbody { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg) !important; |
border-bottom-color: var(--color-table-border-bottom-color); |
} |
tr:nth-child(even) { |
td { |
background: var(--color-table-body-bg-nth-child-even) !important; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.modal-pay-configuration { |
.submitBtn { |
text-align: center; |
margin: 20px 0 0; |
.ant-btn { |
width: 80px; |
height: 35px; |
border: none; |
border-radius: 4px; |
span { |
color: #ffffff; |
} |
} |
.submit { |
background: #409eff; |
} |
.cancel { |
background: var(--button-default-bg); |
margin-left: 20px; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; |
// import { message, Pagination, Table, Space, Modal, } from "antd"; |
// import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common"; |
// import moment from 'moment' |
// import { useSessionStorageState, useUpdateEffect, useSize, useUpdate } from 'ahooks'; |
// import ajax from "@/services" |
// import { FormInput, FormSelect, OptionPanel, ResultPanel, FormSliderPicker, AreaCascader, ImgResize, ImgZoom, } from "@/components" |
// import "./index.scss"; |
// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png" |
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; |
function PlatformMerchantConf() { |
return <div>PlatformMerchantConf</div> |
} |
export default PlatformMerchantConf; |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
import React from "react"; |
import { Select, Input, Form, Checkbox, Row, Col } from "antd"; |
// 动态表单项 |
export default function FormItemList(props) { |
const { |
type, |
title, |
label, |
name, |
value, |
message = "必填", |
allowClear = false, |
disabled = false, |
required = false, |
options = [], |
actionState, |
} = props; |
switch (type) { |
case "title": |
return ( |
<h4 style={{ marginBottom: 20, marginLeft: 20, fontWeight: "bold" }}> |
{title} |
</h4> |
); |
case "input": |
return ( |
<Form.Item |
label={label} |
name={name} |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: required, |
message: message, |
}, |
] |
} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
<> |
{value} |
<Input hidden /> |
</> |
) : ( |
<Input |
disabled={disabled} |
placeholder="请输入" |
autoComplete="off" |
/> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
); |
case "select": |
return ( |
<Form.Item |
label={label} |
name={name} |
rules={[ |
{ |
required: required, |
message: message, |
}, |
] |
} |
> |
{actionState === "view" ? ( |
<> |
{value} |
<Input hidden /> |
</> |
) : ( |
<Select |
placeholder="请选择" |
showSearch |
allowClear={allowClear} |
disabled={disabled} |
optionFilterProp="text" |
fieldNames={{ label: "text", value: "id" }} |
options={options} |
/> |
)} |
</Form.Item> |
); |
default: |
return null; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
import FormItemList from "./FormItemList"; |
export { |
FormItemList |
} |
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ |
import AppConf from "./AppConf" |
import PayMerchantConf from "./PayMerchantConf" |
import PlatformMerchantConf from "./PlatformMerchantConf" |
import loadable from "@loadable/component"; |
const AppConf = loadable(() => import("./AppConf")); |
const PayMerchantConf = loadable(() => import("./PayMerchantConf")); |
const PlatformMerchantConf = loadable(() => import("./PlatformMerchantConf")); |
export default { |
export default { |
AppConf, |
AppConf, |
PayMerchantConf, |
PayMerchantConf, |
PlatformMerchantConf |
} |
PlatformMerchantConf, |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
import paymentConfiguration from "./paymentConfiguration" |
export default { |
...paymentConfiguration |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
import ajax from "@/config/ajax"; |
// 获取应用配置相关下拉
const getAppTypeScenariosInfo = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/get_app_type_scenarios_info", |
type: "get", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 获取应用配置列表
const getAppList = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/get_app_list", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 添加应用配置
const getAppAdd = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/add_app", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 编辑应用配置
const getAppEdit = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/edit_app", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 查看应用配置
const getAppDetails = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/app_details", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 获取支付商户配置相关下拉
const getPaymentMerchantSelectInfo = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/get_payment_merchant_select_info", |
type: "get", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 根据配置平台获取相关应用数据
const getPlatformToAppList = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/get_platform_to_app_list", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 获取支付商户配置列表
const getPaymentMerchantList = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/get_payment_merchant_list", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 添加支付商户配置
const getPaymentMerchantAdd = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/add_payment_merchant", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 编辑支付商户配置
const getPaymentMerchantEdit = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/edit_payment_merchant", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
// 查看支付商户配置
const getPaymentMerchantDetails = (params) => { |
return ajax({ |
url: "/api/fin/payment_config/payment_merchant_details", |
type: "post", |
data: params, |
}); |
}; |
export default { |
getAppTypeScenariosInfo, |
getAppList, |
getAppAdd, |
getAppEdit, |
getAppDetails, |
getPaymentMerchantSelectInfo, |
getPlatformToAppList, |
getPaymentMerchantList, |
getPaymentMerchantAdd, |
getPaymentMerchantEdit, |
getPaymentMerchantDetails |
} |
Reference in new issue