4 changed files with 405 additions and 14 deletions
@ -1,15 +1,308 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; |
// import { message, Pagination, Table, Space, Modal, } from "antd"; |
// import { dictionary, utils } from "@/config/common"; |
// import moment from 'moment' |
// import { useSessionStorageState, useUpdateEffect, useSize, useUpdate } from 'ahooks'; |
// import ajax from "@/services" |
// import { FormInput, FormSelect, OptionPanel, ResultPanel, FormSliderPicker, AreaCascader, ImgResize, ImgZoom, } from "@/components" |
// import "./index.scss"; |
// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png" |
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; |
import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, useMemo } from "react"; |
import { message, Input, Upload, Modal, Space, Tree, Tabs, Form, Select, Button } from "antd"; |
import { DeleteOutlined, EditOutlined, PlusCircleOutlined, LoadingOutlined, PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; |
import ajax from "@/services" |
import "./index.scss"; |
const isDev = window.location.href.indexOf('localhost') > -1 |
function OrgnizationMgm() { |
function OrgnizationMgm() { |
return <div>OrgnizationMgm</div> |
const [editStatus, setEditStatus] = useState(false) |
const [defaultTreeActiveKey, setDefaultTreeActiveKey] = useState([]) |
const [defaultTreeAreaActiveKey, setDefaultTreeAreaActiveKey] = useState([]) |
const [imgUploading, setImgUploading] = useState(false) |
const [imgUrl, setImgUrl] = useState("") |
const [orgTree, setOrgTree] = useState([]) |
const [areaTree, setAreaTree] = useState([]) |
const [activeOrg, setActiveOrg] = useState({}) |
const [baseForm] = Form.useForm() |
const imgUploadUrl = () => { |
return isDev ? `` : `${baseApi}/v1/controlalarm/upload_image` |
} |
const getAreaTree = () => { |
ajax.getAreaTree().then((e) => { |
if (e.status == 20000) { |
setAreaTree(e.data) |
setDefaultTreeActiveKey([e.data[0].id]) |
} |
}) |
} |
const ajaxGetOrgDetail = (id) => { |
handleCancel() |
return new Promise((resolved, rejected) => { |
ajax.getOrgDetail({id: id}).then((e) => { |
if (e.status == 20000) { |
resolved(e.data) |
} else { |
rejected(e.message) |
} |
}).catch((err) => { |
rejected(err) |
}) |
}) |
} |
const getOrgTree = () => { |
ajax.getOrgTree().then((e) => { |
if (e.status == 20000) { |
setOrgTree(e.data) |
handleTreeClick(undefined, {node: e.data[0]}) |
} |
}) |
} |
const handleOrgAdd = (e) => { |
e.stopPropagation() |
e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation() |
} |
const handleOrgDel = () => { |
e.stopPropagation() |
e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation() |
} |
const handleOrgEdit = () => { |
e.stopPropagation() |
e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation() |
} |
const ajaxOrgDetailSave = (data) => { |
return new Promise((resolved, rejected) => { |
ajax.orgDetailEdit(data).then((e) => { |
if (e.status == 20000) { |
resolved(e.message) |
} else { |
rejected(e.message) |
} |
}).catch((err) => { |
rejected(err) |
}) |
}) |
} |
const handleTreeClick = (e, {node}) => { |
ajaxGetOrgDetail(node.id).then((data) => { |
setActiveOrg({ |
id: node.id, |
key: node.key, |
name: node.name, |
level: node.level, |
img_url: node.img_url, |
control_area: node.control_area, |
...data |
}) |
baseForm.setFieldsValue({ |
platform: data.platform, |
control_type: data.control_type, |
control_area: data.control_area, |
img_url: data.img_url |
}) |
setImgUrl(data.img_url) |
}).catch(err => { |
message.error(err) |
}) |
} |
const uploadButton = ( |
<div> |
{imgUploading ? <LoadingOutlined /> : <PlusOutlined />} |
<div |
style={{ |
marginTop: 4, |
}} |
> |
点击上传 |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
const beforeUpload = () => { |
setImgUploading(true) |
return true |
} |
const handleUploadChange = ({file}) => { |
const res = file.response |
if (res && res.status == 20000) { |
baseForm.setFieldValue('img_url', res.data) |
setImgUrl(res.data) |
setImgUploading(false) |
} |
} |
const handleBaseFormValueChange = () => { |
} |
const handleAreaTreeChange = (checkedKeys) => { |
baseForm.setFieldValue('control_area', checkedKeys.join(',')) |
} |
const getAreaDefaultKeys = () => { |
return baseForm.getFieldValue('control_area') |
} |
const handleCancel = () => { |
baseForm.setFieldsValue({ |
...activeOrg |
}) |
setImgUrl(activeOrg.img_url) |
setEditStatus(false) |
} |
const handleConfirm = () => { |
ajaxOrgDetailSave(baseForm.getFieldsValue()).then((msg) => { |
message.success(msg) |
setEditStatus(false) |
}).catch((err) => { |
message.error(err) |
}) |
} |
const handleEdit = () => { |
setEditStatus(true) |
} |
const tabRender = useMemo(() => { |
return [ |
{ |
label: `基础配置`, |
key: '1', |
children: ( |
<div className="base-form-container"> |
<Form |
form={baseForm} |
labelCol={{ |
span: 2, |
offset: 1 |
}} |
wrapperCol={{ |
span: 4 |
}} |
initialValues={{ |
type: "1" |
}} |
onValuesChange={handleBaseFormValueChange} |
> |
<Form.Item name="id" hidden></Form.Item> |
<Form.Item name="name" hidden></Form.Item> |
<Form.Item label="机构名称" name="name"> |
<Space/><Space/>{activeOrg.name} |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item label="平台名称" name="platform"> |
<Input disabled={!editStatus}/> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item label="平台logo" name="img_url"> |
<Upload |
name="avatar" |
listType="picture-card" |
className="avatar-uploader" |
showUploadList={false} |
action={imgUploadUrl()} |
beforeUpload={beforeUpload} |
disabled={!editStatus} |
onChange={handleUploadChange}> |
{imgUrl ? ( |
<img |
src={imgUrl} |
alt="avatar" |
style={{ |
width: '100%', |
}} |
/> |
) : ( |
uploadButton |
)} |
</Upload> |
</Form.Item> |
{ |
activeOrg.level > 2 ? <> |
<Form.Item label="管辖范围" name="control_type"> |
<Select disabled={!editStatus}> |
<Option value={1}>按区管理</Option> |
<Option value={2}>按街管理</Option> |
</Select> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item label="管辖区域" className="area-tree" name="control_area"> |
<Tree |
disabled={!editStatus} |
checkable |
defaultCheckedKeys={getAreaDefaultKeys()} |
treeData={areaTree} |
onCheck={handleAreaTreeChange} |
fieldNames={{ |
title: 'name', |
key: 'id' |
}} |
/> |
</Form.Item> |
</> : null |
} |
</Form> |
</div> |
), |
}, |
activeOrg.level > 2 ? { |
label: `功能配置`, |
key: '2', |
children: `Content of Tab Pane 2`, |
} : undefined |
] |
}, [JSON.stringify(activeOrg), editStatus, imgUrl]) |
useEffect(() => { |
getOrgTree() |
getAreaTree() |
}, []) |
const treeTitleRender = ({name, children, level, pid, id, virtually_code, lng_lat, code}) => { |
return <> |
<span className='label-text'>{name}</span> |
{ |
level > 2 ? <> |
<PlusCircleOutlined className='label-icon' onClick={(e) => handleOrgAdd(e, {level, pid, isCity: false})} /> |
<DeleteOutlined className="label-icon" onClick={(e) => handleOrgDel(e, {name, id})} /> |
<EditOutlined className="label-icon" onClick={(e) => handleOrgEdit(e, {name, id, virtually_code, code, lng_lat})}/> |
</> : ( |
<PlusCircleOutlined className='label-icon' onClick={(e) => handleOrgAdd(e, {level, pid, isCity: true})} /> |
) |
} |
</> |
} |
return ( |
<div className="orgnization-container"> |
<div className="org-tree-container"> |
<Tree |
defaultSelectedKeys={defaultTreeActiveKey} |
treeData={orgTree} |
titleRender={treeTitleRender} |
onSelect={handleTreeClick} |
fieldNames={{ |
title: 'name' |
}} |
> |
</Tree> |
</div> |
<div className="org-content"> |
<Tabs |
defaultActiveKey="1" |
items={tabRender} |
/> |
<div className="form-confirm"> |
{ |
!editStatus ? ( |
<Button type="primary" className="yisa-btn" onClick={() => handleEdit()}>编辑</Button> |
) : <> |
<Button type="primary" className="yisa-btn" onClick={() => handleConfirm()}>确认</Button> |
<Button type="ghost" className="yisa-btn" onClick={() => handleCancel()}>取消</Button> |
</> |
} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
export default OrgnizationMgm; |
export default OrgnizationMgm; |
Reference in new issue