10 changed files with 848 additions and 59 deletions
@ -1,11 +1,170 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import React, { useEffect, useState, useImperativeHandle, forwardRef } from 'react' |
import { Table, Pagination, Button } from 'antd' |
import { ResultFlowResult, ExportBtnNew } from '@/components' |
import { dictionary } from "@/config/common" |
import ajax from "@/services" |
import './index.scss' |
const ParkArrear = forwardRef((props, ref) => { |
const { |
formData |
} = props |
const [tableLoading, setTableLoading] = useState(false) |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: 1, |
length: 10 |
}) |
const [exportData, setExportData] = useState({ |
start: 1, |
end: 10 |
}) |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
list: [], |
totalRecords: 0 |
}) |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "序号", |
width: 60, |
align: 'center', |
render: (text, record, index) => index + 1, |
}, |
{ |
title: "停车场名称", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "name", |
}, |
{ |
title: "区域", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "area", |
}, |
{ |
title: "累计营收金额", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "ljys", |
}, |
{ |
title: "累计实收金额", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "ljss", |
}, |
{ |
title: "现存欠费金额", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "xcqfje", |
}, |
{ |
title: "现存欠费订单", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: 'xcqfdd' |
}, |
{ |
title: '欠费金额占比', |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: 'ratio', |
render: (text, record) => { |
return text + '%' |
} |
} |
] |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.totalRecords, |
pageSize: pageInfo.length, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: current, length: size } |
}); |
} |
} |
const ajaxGetTableData = (data) => { |
setTableLoading(true) |
ajax.getIncomeParkArrearData({ |
...data |
}).then(res => { |
if (res.status == 20000) { |
setTableLoading(false) |
setResultData({ |
list: res.data, |
totalRecords: res.totalRecords |
}) |
setExportData({ |
...exportData, |
start: 1, |
end: res.totalRecords |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
const getData = (newPageInfo) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...newPageInfo |
}) |
ajaxGetTableData({ |
...formData, |
...newPageInfo |
}) |
} |
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ |
getData |
})) |
useEffect(() => { |
ajaxGetTableData({ |
...formData, |
...pageInfo |
}) |
}, [JSON.stringify(pageInfo)]) |
const ParkArrear = function(props) { |
return ( |
return ( |
<div className="park-arrear-container"> |
<div className="park-arrear-container"> |
ParkArrear |
<div className="park-table-title"> |
<div className="park-table-info">共查询到<span>{ resultData.totalRecords || 0 }</span>条结果</div> |
<div className="park-table-export"> |
<ExportBtnNew |
children={<Button className="export-btn" size='medium' type="primary">导出</Button>} |
modalType="noImg" |
totalRecords={resultData.totalRecords} |
exportUrl="/api/dataAnalysis/arrearsPark/export" |
postdata={{ |
formData: {...formData, ...pageInfo} |
}} |
imgno={false} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="park-table-content"> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tableLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className='park-table' |
// rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
scroll={{y: 585}} |
loading={tableLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
) |
} |
}) |
export default ParkArrear |
export default ParkArrear |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
.park-table-title { |
margin-bottom: 10px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
.park-table-info { |
span { |
color: var(--color-primary); |
} |
} |
.park-table-export { |
} |
} |
.park-arrear-container { |
height: 100%; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
.park-table-title { |
height: 25px; |
} |
.park-table-content { |
flex: 1; |
.park-table { |
flex: 1; |
.ant-table-body { |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
} |
.ant-table-fixed-header .ant-table-tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td { |
background: unset !important; |
background-color: #3e4557 !important; |
} |
.ant-table-fixed-header .ant-table-tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,11 +1,300 @@ |
import React from 'react' |
import React, {useEffect, useState, useImperativeHandle, forwardRef} from 'react' |
import { ResultFlowResult, ExportBtnNew } from '@/components' |
import { Table, Pagination, Button, Modal } from 'antd' |
import { dictionary } from "@/config/common" |
import ajax from "@/services" |
import './index.scss' |
const PlateArrear = function(props) { |
const PlateArrear = forwardRef((props, ref) => { |
const { |
formData |
} = props |
const [tableLoading, setTableLoading] = useState(false) |
const [detailVisble, setDetailVisible] = useState(false) |
const [detailPlate, setDetailPlate] = useState('') |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: 1, |
length: 10 |
}) |
const [exportData, setExportData] = useState({ |
start: 1, |
end: 10 |
}) |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
list: [], |
totalRecords: 0 |
}) |
const handleDetail = (data) => { |
setDetailPlate(data.plate) |
setDetailVisible(true) |
} |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "序号", |
width: 60, |
align: 'center', |
render: (text, record, index) => index + 1, |
}, |
{ |
title: "车牌号", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "plate", |
}, |
{ |
title: "手机号", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "phone", |
}, |
{ |
title: "欠费金额", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "money", |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
width: 200, |
align: 'center', |
render: (text, record) => { |
return ( |
<Button type='primary' onClick={() => handleDetail(record)}>详情</Button> |
) |
} |
} |
] |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.totalRecords, |
pageSize: pageInfo.length, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: current, length: size } |
}); |
} |
} |
const ajaxGetTableData = (data) => { |
setTableLoading(true) |
ajax.getIncomePlateArrearData({ |
...data |
}).then(res => { |
if (res.status == 20000) { |
setTableLoading(false) |
setResultData({ |
list: res.data, |
totalRecords: res.totalRecords |
}) |
setExportData({ |
...exportData, |
start: 1, |
end: res.totalRecords |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
const getData = (newPageInfo) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...newPageInfo |
}) |
ajaxGetTableData({ |
...formData, |
...newPageInfo |
}) |
} |
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ |
getData |
})) |
useEffect(() => { |
ajaxGetTableData({ |
...formData, |
...pageInfo |
}) |
}, [JSON.stringify(pageInfo)]) |
return ( |
return ( |
<div className="plate-arrear-container"> |
<div className="plate-arrear-container"> |
PlateArrear |
<div className="park-table-title"> |
<div className="park-table-info">共查询到<span>{ resultData.totalRecords || 0 }</span>条结果</div> |
<div className="park-table-export"> |
<ExportBtnNew |
children={<Button className="export-btn" size='medium' type="primary">导出</Button>} |
modalType="noImg" |
totalRecords={resultData.totalRecords} |
exportUrl="/api/dataAnalysis/arrearsPlate/export" |
postdata={{ |
formData: {...formData, ...pageInfo} |
}} |
imgno={false} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="park-table-content"> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tableLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className='park-table' |
// rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
scroll={{y: 585}} |
loading={tableLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
<ModalDetail |
visible={detailVisble} |
plate_number={detailPlate} |
onOk={() => setDetailVisible(false)} |
onCancel={() => setDetailVisible(false)} |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
) |
}) |
const ModalDetail = (props) => { |
const { |
visible, |
onOk, |
plate_number, |
onCancel |
} = props |
const [tableLoading, setTableLoading] = useState(false) |
const [resultData, setResultData] = useState({ |
list: [], |
totalRecords: 0 |
}) |
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ |
pn: 1, |
length: 10, |
plate_number: plate_number |
}) |
const [pageInfo, setPageInfo] = useState({ |
pn: 1, |
length: 10 |
}) |
const tableColumns = [ |
{ |
title: "车牌号", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "plate", |
}, |
{ |
title: "停车场", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "park", |
}, |
{ |
title: "入场时间", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "entry_time", |
}, |
{ |
title: "出场时间", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "leave_time", |
}, |
{ |
title: "停车时长", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "duration", |
}, |
{ |
title: "欠费金额", |
align: 'center', |
dataIndex: "money", |
}, |
] |
const paginationProps = { |
className: "pagination-common", |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
current: pageInfo.pn, |
total: resultData?.totalRecords, |
pageSize: pageInfo.length, |
pageSizeOptions: Array.from( |
new Set([...[15], ...(dictionary?.pageSizeOptions || [])]) |
), |
onChange: (current, size) => { |
setPageInfo({ |
...pageInfo, |
...{ pn: current, length: size } |
}); |
} |
} |
const ajaxGetDetailData = () => { |
setTableLoading(true) |
ajax.getPlateArrearData({...formData, ...pageInfo}).then(res => { |
if (res.status == 20000) { |
setTableLoading(false) |
setResultData({ |
list: res.data, |
totalRecords: res.totalRecords |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
setFormData({ |
pn: 1, |
length: 10, |
plate_number: plate_number |
}) |
}, [plate_number]) |
useEffect(() => { |
ajaxGetDetailData() |
}, [JSON.stringify(formData), JSON.stringify(pageInfo)]) |
return ( |
<Modal |
className="yisa-modal detail-modal" |
title={"弹窗详情"} |
open={visible} |
width={700} |
onCancel={onCancel} |
onOk={onOk} |
> |
<div className="detail-modal-container"> |
<div className="detail-title">欠费总分析详情</div> |
<ResultFlowResult |
ajaxLoad={tableLoading} |
resultData={resultData?.list || []} |
> |
<Table |
className='park-table' |
// rowKey={(row) => row.id} |
dataSource={resultData?.list || []} |
columns={tableColumns} |
pagination={false} |
scroll={{y: 200}} |
loading={tableLoading} |
/> |
<Pagination {...paginationProps} className="pagination-common" /> |
</ResultFlowResult> |
</div> |
</Modal> |
) |
} |
} |
export default PlateArrear |
export default PlateArrear |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
@import "@/assets/css/mixin.scss"; |
.park-table-title { |
margin-bottom: 10px; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: space-between; |
align-items: center; |
.park-table-info { |
span { |
color: var(--color-primary); |
} |
} |
.park-table-export { |
} |
} |
.plate-arrear-container { |
height: 100%; |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
.park-table-title { |
height: 25px; |
} |
.park-table-content { |
flex: 1; |
.park-table { |
flex: 1; |
.ant-table-body { |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
} |
.ant-table-fixed-header .ant-table-tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td { |
background: unset !important; |
background-color: #3e4557 !important; |
} |
.ant-table-fixed-header .ant-table-tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.detail-modal { |
.ant-modal-body { |
padding-top: 0; |
padding-bottom: 5px; |
.detail-title { |
margin-bottom: 10px; |
} |
.ant-table-thead>tr>th { |
background-color: #616b83; |
} |
.ant-table-body { |
@include scrollBar(var(--color-user-list-bg), #3B97FF); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue