diff --git a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/index.jsx b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/index.jsx
index d155dc7..d6150c1 100644
--- a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/index.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/index.jsx
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ import React from "react"
import loadable from "@loadable/component"
import { LoadingImg } from "@/components"
-const LockMonitor = loadable(() => import("./loadable"))
-export default (pros) => } />
\ No newline at end of file
+const PileMonitor = loadable(() => import("./loadable"))
+export default (pros) => } />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/loadable.jsx
index b2afd6b..fe1f87b 100644
--- a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/LockMonitor/loadable.jsx
@@ -23,392 +23,52 @@ import errorImg from '@/assets/images/error-img-new.png'
import { QuestionCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { TableModule } from "@/components";
import "./index.scss";
-import {
- payRecordColumns,
- refundRecordColumns,
- operatorRecordColumns,
-} from "./dataSource";
// import errorImg from "@/assets/images/layout/error.png"
// import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
const { TextArea } = Input;
let array = [];
-function LockMonitor() {
- const roadContent = (
- )
- const receivableContent = (
- )
- const discountContent = (
- )
- const preferentialContent = (
- )
- const refundContent = (
- )
- const columns = [
- {
- title: "序号",
- dataIndex: "index",
- key: "index",
- align: "center",
- fixed: "left",
- render: (text, record, index) => index + 1,
- width: 100,
- },
- {
- title: "路段名称",
- dataIndex: "road",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.road}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "车牌号",
- dataIndex: "plate",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.plate}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "车牌颜色",
- dataIndex: "plate_color",
- key: "plate_color",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "泊位号",
- dataIndex: "berth_id",
- key: "berth_id",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "入场时间",
- dataIndex: "in_time",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.in_time}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "离场时间",
- dataIndex: "out_time",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.out_time}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "停车时长",
- dataIndex: "admission_time",
- key: "admission_time",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "入场收费员",
- dataIndex: "in_person",
- key: "in_person",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
+function PileMonitor() {
- },
- {
- title: "出场收费员",
- dataIndex: "out_person",
- key: "out_person",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title:
- 订单金额
- ,
- dataIndex: "order_amount",
- key: "order_amount",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- // filterDropdown: true,
- // filterIcon:
- //
- //
- //
- },
- {
- title:
- 应收金额
- ,
- dataIndex: "receivable_amount",
- key: "receivable_amount",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- // filterDropdown: true,
- // filterIcon:
- //
- //
- //
- },
- {
- title:
- 折扣金额
- ,
- dataIndex: "discount_amount",
- key: "discount_amount",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- // filterDropdown: true,
- // filterIcon:
- //
- //
- //
- },
- {
- title:
- 优惠金额
- ,
- dataIndex: "preferential_amount",
- key: "preferential_amount",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- // filterDropdown: true,
- // filterIcon:
- //
- //
- //
- },
- {
- title: "实付金额",
- dataIndex: "actual_amount",
- key: "actual_amount",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title:
- 退款总计
- ,
- dataIndex: "refund_total",
- key: "refund_total",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- // filterDropdown: true,
- // filterIcon:
- //
- //
- //
- },
- {
- title: "停车记录ID",
- dataIndex: "park_id",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- ),
- },
- {
- title: "区域",
- dataIndex: "region",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.region}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "商户名称",
- dataIndex: "operator",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.operator}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "路段类型",
- dataIndex: "road_type",
- key: "road_type",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "操作",
- dataIndex: "operation",
- key: "operation",
- align: "center",
- fixed: "right",
- width: 100,
- render: (text, record, index) => {
- setDataDetail(record)
- return (
- <>
- >
- )
- },
- },
- ];
const formSearch = [
- name: "region",
- type: "TreeSelect",
- label: "区域",
- },
- {
- name: "operator",
- type: "Select",
- label: "商户名称",
- defaultValue: "0",
- placeholder: "请选择商户名称",
- },
- {
- name: "road",
- type: "SearchSelect",
- label: "路段名称",
- placeholder: "请输入路段名称",
- },
- {
- name: "road_type",
- type: "Select",
- label: "路段类型",
- defaultValue: 0,
- options: sysConfig.roadType,
- },
- {
- name: "phone",
- type: "Input",
- label: "手机号",
- placeholder: "请输入手机号",
- },
- {
- name: "plate",
+ name: "device_name",
type: "Input",
- label: "车牌号",
- placeholder: "请输入车牌号",
- },
- {
- name: "berth_id",
- type: "Input",
- label: "泊位号",
- placeholder: "请输入泊位号",
- },
- {
- name: "type",
- type: "Select",
- label: "出入场类型",
- defaultValue: 1,
- options: [
- {
- label: "入场",
- value: 1,
- },
- {
- label: "出场",
- value: 2,
- },
- ],
+ label: "设备名称",
+ placeholder:"请输入"
- name: "park_id",
+ name: "device_num",
type: "Input",
- label: "停车记录ID",
- placeholder: "请输入停车记录ID",
+ label: "设备编码",
+ placeholder:"请输入"
- name: "plate_color",
+ name: "device_state",
type: "Select",
- label: "车牌颜色",
- placeholder: "请输入车牌颜色",
- options: sysConfig.plateColor,
+ label: "设备状态",
+ defaultValue: 0,
+ options: sysConfig.energyDeviceType,
- name: "order_type",
+ name: "lock_state",
type: "Select",
- label: "订单类型",
+ label: "车位锁状态",
defaultValue: 0,
- options: [
- {
- label: "全部",
- value: 0,
- },
- {
- label: "进行中",
- value: 1,
- },
- {
- label: "待支付",
- value: 2,
- },
- {
- label: "已支付",
- value: 3,
- }
- ],
- },
- {
- name: "in_person",
- type: "Input",
- label: "入场收费员",
- placeholder: "请输入入场收费员",
- },
- {
- name: "out_person",
- type: "Input",
- label: "出场收费员",
- placeholder: "请输入出场收费员",
- },
- {
- name: "timePeriod",
- type: "RangePicker",
- label: "时间段",
+ options: sysConfig.energyLockState,
const initFormData = {
- region: ["0"],
- operator: "0",
- road: "0",
- road_type: 0,
- phone: "",
- plate: "",
- berth_id: "",
- type: 1,
- park_id: "",
- order_type: 0,
- plate_color: -1,
- in_person: "",
- out_person: "",
+ device_name:"",
+ device_num:""
- const historyProgressColumns = [
+ const columns = [
title: "序号",
dataIndex: "id",
@@ -417,62 +77,45 @@ function LockMonitor() {
render: (text, record, index) => index + 1,
- title: "状态",
- dataIndex: "status",
- key: "status",
+ title: "设备名称",
+ dataIndex: "device_name",
+ key: "device_name",
align: "center",
- title: "处理记录ID",
- dataIndex: "deal_record_id",
- key: "deal_record_id",
+ title: "设备编码",
+ dataIndex: "device_num",
+ key: "device_num",
align: "center",
- title: "处理时间",
- dataIndex: "deal_time",
- key: "deal_time",
+ title: "设备类型",
+ dataIndex: "device_type",
+ key: "device_type",
align: "center",
- title: "处理人",
- dataIndex: "dealer",
- key: "dealer",
+ title: "设备供应商",
+ dataIndex: "device_vendor",
+ key: "device_vendor",
align: "center",
- title: "业务订单类型",
- dataIndex: "business_type",
- key: "business_type",
+ title: "对接平台",
+ dataIndex: "platform",
+ key: "platform",
align: "center",
- title: "更改项",
- dataIndex: "change_content",
- key: "change_content",
+ title: "车位锁状态",
+ dataIndex: "lock_state_name",
+ key: "lock_state_name",
align: "center",
- render: (text) => {
- return text == 1
- ? "调整出场时间"
- : text == 2
- ? "变更车牌号"
- : text == 3
- ? "更改订单金额"
- : text == 4
- ? "免费该订单"
- : "作废该订单"
- }
- title: "更改初始值",
- dataIndex: "initial_value",
- key: "initial_value",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "更改更新值",
- dataIndex: "update_value",
- key: "update_value",
+ title: "设备状态",
+ dataIndex: "device_state_name",
+ key: "device_state_name",
align: "center",
@@ -485,9 +128,7 @@ function LockMonitor() {
return (
@@ -497,240 +138,14 @@ function LockMonitor() {
- const h_columns = [
- {
- title: "停车订单ID",
- dataIndex: "park_id",
- key: "park_id",
- width: 200,
- align: "center",
- render: (text) => (
- <>
- {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${text}`).then(() => {
- message.success("已复制到剪切板");
- });
- }}
- >
- {text}
- >
- ),
- },
- {
- title: "车牌号",
- dataIndex: "plate",
- key: "plate",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "停车场名称",
- dataIndex: "park_name",
- key: "park_name",
- align: "center",
- width: 200,
- },
- {
- title: "入场时间",
- dataIndex: "in_time",
- key: "in_time",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "计费时间",
- dataIndex: "admission_time",
- key: "admission_time",
- align: "center",
- },
- ];
- const [detailVisible, setDetailVisible] = useState(false);
const [tableData, setTableData] = useState([]);
const [total, setTotal] = useState(0);
- const [tabKey, setTabKey] = useState("1");
- // 车场id
- const [parkId, setParkId] = useState("");
- //支付记录数据
- const [payRecord, setPayRecord] = useState([]);
- //退款订单数据
- const [refundRecord, setRefundRecord] = useState([]);
- //操作记录数据
- const [operationRecord, setOperatorRecord] = useState([]);
- //历史处理数据
- const [historyProgressRecord, setHistoryProgressRecord] = useState([]);
- //停车记录信息数据
- const [parkingRecordDetail, setParkingRecordDetail] = useState({});
- //当前的所选择的停车信息索引
- const [recordIndex, setRecordIndex] = useState(-1);
- //当前所选择的订单ID
- const [currentRecordID, setCurrentRecordID] = useState("");
- //历史记录详情Modal
- const [historyVisible, setHistoryVisible] = useState(false);
- //历史记录详情的弹窗查看全部
- const [isShowAll, setIsShowAll] = useState(false);
- //历史记录车辆图片弹窗
- const [platePhototModal, setPlatePhotoModal] = useState(false);
- //历史记录详情数据
- const [historyDataDetail, setHistoryDataDetail] = useState({});
- const [DataDetail, setDataDetail] = useState({});
- function openModal(index, record) {
- setDetailVisible(true);
- setParkingRecordDetail(record);
- setHistoryDataDetail(record)
- setRecordIndex(index);
- }
- const handleImgError = (e) => {
- let evn = e || event
- let img = evn.srcElement ? evn.srcElement : evn.target
- img.src = errorImg
- }
- function changeKey(key) {
- setTabKey(key);
- switch (key) {
- case "2":
- getPaymentRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "3":
- getRefundRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "4":
- getOperateRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "5":
- getHistoryRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- function renderParkRecord(item) {
- return (
- item && (
- {item.road}
- {item.berth_id}
- {item.region}
- {item.operator}
- {item.road_type}
- {item.plate}
- {item.phone}
- {item.in_time}
- {item.out_time}
- {item.admission_time}
- {item.order_amount}
- {item.parking_card_discount}
- {item.road_discount}
- {item.receivable_amount}
- {item.coupon }
- {item.preferential_amount}
- {item.actual_amount}
- {item.refund_discount}
- {item.actual_refund}
- {item.refund_total}
- {item.in_person}
- {item.out_person}
- )
- );
- }
- //查看历史详情
- const [getHistoryData,setGetHistoryData]=useState({})
- function checkHistoryDetail(record) {
- setGetHistoryData(record);
- setHistoryVisible(true);
- }
- function renderModalTable(columns, dataSource) {
- return (
- );
- }
- //获取订单的支付记录
- function getPaymentRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getPaymentRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setPayRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取退款订单的接口
- function getRefundRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getRefundRecord({ park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setRefundRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取操作处理的接口
- function getOperateRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getOperateRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setOperatorRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取历史处理记录的接口
- function getHistoryRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getHistoryRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- // res.data.list.map(res=>{
- setHistoryProgressRecord(res.data.list);
- // })
- }
- });
- }
function search(params) {
- ajax.getParkingList(params).then((res) => {
+ ajax.getPileMonitor(params).then((res) => {
if (res.status === 20000) {
@@ -739,10 +154,6 @@ function LockMonitor() {
- useEffect(() => {
- // setParkingRecordDetail(tableData[recordIndex]);
- setCurrentRecordID(tableData[recordIndex]?.park_id || "");
- }, [recordIndex]);
return (
@@ -750,377 +161,17 @@ function LockMonitor() {
- pagename="停车记录查询"
- mandatory={['plate','berth_id']}
- mandatory_name={['车牌号或泊位号']}
- pageName={'parkRecordTotal'}
+ pagename="电桩监控"
+ // mandatory={['plate','berth_id']}
+ // mandatory_name={['车牌号或泊位号']}
+ pageName={'pileMonitor'}
- exportUrl="/api/bpm/record/get_record_export"
+ // exportUrl="/api/bpm/record/get_record_export"
- {
- setDetailVisible(false);
- setTabKey("1");
- }}
- destroyOnClose
- >
- {renderParkRecord(parkingRecordDetail)}
- {renderModalTable(payRecordColumns, payRecord)}
- {renderModalTable(refundRecordColumns, refundRecord)}
- {renderModalTable(operatorRecordColumns, operationRecord)}
- {renderModalTable(historyProgressColumns, historyProgressRecord)}
- {
- setHistoryVisible(false);
- }}
- className="hanleHistoyModal"
- footer={null}
- width={1000}
- >
- {historyDataDetail?.road}
- {historyDataDetail.region}
- {historyDataDetail.operator}
- {historyDataDetail.berth_id}
- {historyDataDetail.road_type}
- {historyDataDetail.plate}
- {historyDataDetail.admission_time}
- {historyDataDetail.in_time}
- {historyDataDetail.out_time}
- {historyDataDetail.in_source}
- {historyDataDetail.out_source}
- {
- setPlatePhotoModal(true);
- }}
- >
- 查看
- {historyDataDetail.order_amount}
- {historyDataDetail.preferential_total}
- {historyDataDetail.actual_amount}
- {historyDataDetail.arrears_mount}
- {
- setIsShowAll(false);
- }}
- >
- 返回
- ) : (
- {
- setIsShowAll(true);
- }}
- >
- 查看全部
- )
- }
- >
- {isShowAll ? (
申诉处理审核: 已完成
- {getHistoryData?.change_content == 1
- ? "调整出场时间"
- : getHistoryData?.change_content == 2
- ? "变更车牌号"
- : getHistoryData?.change_content == 3
- ? "更改订单金额"
- : getHistoryData?.change_content == 4
- ? "免费该订单"
- : "作废该订单"}
{getHistoryData.initial_value || "--"}
{getHistoryData.update_value || "--"}
- ) : (
- {getHistoryData.change_content == 1 ? (
- <>
- >
- ) : getHistoryData.change_content == 2 ? (
- ) : getHistoryData.change_content == 3 ? (
- <>
- >
- ) : null}
- )}
- {
- setPlatePhotoModal(false);
- }}
- footer={false}
- className="modal-img"
- >
-export default LockMonitor;
+export default PileMonitor;
diff --git a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/PileMonitor/loadable.jsx b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/PileMonitor/loadable.jsx
index 6d6811a..fe1f87b 100644
--- a/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/PileMonitor/loadable.jsx
+++ b/src/pages/NewEnergy/RealtimeMonitor/PileMonitor/loadable.jsx
@@ -32,275 +32,43 @@ let array = [];
function PileMonitor() {
- const columns = [
- {
- title: "序号",
- dataIndex: "index",
- key: "index",
- align: "center",
- fixed: "left",
- render: (text, record, index) => index + 1,
- width: 100,
- },
- {
- title: "路段名称",
- dataIndex: "road",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.road}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "车牌号",
- dataIndex: "plate",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.plate}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "车牌颜色",
- dataIndex: "plate_color",
- key: "plate_color",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "泊位号",
- dataIndex: "berth_id",
- key: "berth_id",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "入场时间",
- dataIndex: "in_time",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.in_time}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "离场时间",
- dataIndex: "out_time",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.out_time}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "停车时长",
- dataIndex: "admission_time",
- key: "admission_time",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "入场收费员",
- dataIndex: "in_person",
- key: "in_person",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "出场收费员",
- dataIndex: "out_person",
- key: "out_person",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "停车记录ID",
- dataIndex: "park_id",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- ),
- },
- {
- title: "区域",
- dataIndex: "region",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.region}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "商户名称",
- dataIndex: "operator",
- align: "center",
- render: (text, record, index) => (
- {record.operator}
- )
- },
- {
- title: "路段类型",
- dataIndex: "road_type",
- key: "road_type",
- width: 100,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "操作",
- dataIndex: "operation",
- key: "operation",
- align: "center",
- fixed: "right",
- width: 100,
- render: (text, record, index) => {
- setDataDetail(record)
- return (
- <>
- >
- )
- },
- },
- ];
const formSearch = [
- name: "region",
- type: "TreeSelect",
- label: "区域",
- },
- {
- name: "operator",
- type: "Select",
- label: "商户名称",
- defaultValue: "0",
- placeholder: "请选择商户名称",
- },
- {
- name: "road",
- type: "SearchSelect",
- label: "路段名称",
- placeholder: "请输入路段名称",
- },
- {
- name: "road_type",
- type: "Select",
- label: "路段类型",
- defaultValue: 0,
- options: sysConfig.roadType,
- },
- {
- name: "phone",
+ name: "device_name",
type: "Input",
- label: "手机号",
- placeholder: "请输入手机号",
+ label: "设备名称",
+ placeholder:"请输入"
- name: "plate",
+ name: "device_num",
type: "Input",
- label: "车牌号",
- placeholder: "请输入车牌号",
+ label: "设备编码",
+ placeholder:"请输入"
- name: "berth_id",
- type: "Input",
- label: "泊位号",
- placeholder: "请输入泊位号",
- },
- {
- name: "type",
- type: "Select",
- label: "出入场类型",
- defaultValue: 1,
- options: [
- {
- label: "入场",
- value: 1,
- },
- {
- label: "出场",
- value: 2,
- },
- ],
- },
- {
- name: "park_id",
- type: "Input",
- label: "停车记录ID",
- placeholder: "请输入停车记录ID",
- },
- {
- name: "plate_color",
+ name: "device_state",
type: "Select",
- label: "车牌颜色",
- placeholder: "请输入车牌颜色",
- options: sysConfig.plateColor,
+ label: "设备状态",
+ defaultValue: 0,
+ options: sysConfig.energyDeviceType,
- name: "order_type",
+ name: "lock_state",
type: "Select",
- label: "订单类型",
+ label: "车位锁状态",
defaultValue: 0,
- options: [
- {
- label: "全部",
- value: 0,
- },
- {
- label: "进行中",
- value: 1,
- },
- {
- label: "待支付",
- value: 2,
- },
- {
- label: "已支付",
- value: 3,
- }
- ],
- },
- {
- name: "in_person",
- type: "Input",
- label: "入场收费员",
- placeholder: "请输入入场收费员",
- },
- {
- name: "out_person",
- type: "Input",
- label: "出场收费员",
- placeholder: "请输入出场收费员",
- },
- {
- name: "timePeriod",
- type: "RangePicker",
- label: "时间段",
+ options: sysConfig.energyLockState,
const initFormData = {
- region: ["0"],
- operator: "0",
- road: "0",
- road_type: 0,
- phone: "",
- plate: "",
- berth_id: "",
- type: 1,
- park_id: "",
- order_type: 0,
- plate_color: -1,
- in_person: "",
- out_person: "",
+ device_name:"",
+ device_num:""
- const historyProgressColumns = [
+ const columns = [
title: "序号",
dataIndex: "id",
@@ -309,62 +77,45 @@ function PileMonitor() {
render: (text, record, index) => index + 1,
- title: "状态",
- dataIndex: "status",
- key: "status",
+ title: "设备名称",
+ dataIndex: "device_name",
+ key: "device_name",
align: "center",
- title: "处理记录ID",
- dataIndex: "deal_record_id",
- key: "deal_record_id",
+ title: "设备编码",
+ dataIndex: "device_num",
+ key: "device_num",
align: "center",
- title: "处理时间",
- dataIndex: "deal_time",
- key: "deal_time",
+ title: "设备类型",
+ dataIndex: "device_type",
+ key: "device_type",
align: "center",
- title: "处理人",
- dataIndex: "dealer",
- key: "dealer",
+ title: "设备供应商",
+ dataIndex: "device_vendor",
+ key: "device_vendor",
align: "center",
- title: "业务订单类型",
- dataIndex: "business_type",
- key: "business_type",
+ title: "对接平台",
+ dataIndex: "platform",
+ key: "platform",
align: "center",
- title: "更改项",
- dataIndex: "change_content",
- key: "change_content",
+ title: "车位锁状态",
+ dataIndex: "lock_state_name",
+ key: "lock_state_name",
align: "center",
- render: (text) => {
- return text == 1
- ? "调整出场时间"
- : text == 2
- ? "变更车牌号"
- : text == 3
- ? "更改订单金额"
- : text == 4
- ? "免费该订单"
- : "作废该订单"
- }
- title: "更改初始值",
- dataIndex: "initial_value",
- key: "initial_value",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "更改更新值",
- dataIndex: "update_value",
- key: "update_value",
+ title: "设备状态",
+ dataIndex: "device_state_name",
+ key: "device_state_name",
align: "center",
@@ -377,9 +128,7 @@ function PileMonitor() {
return (
@@ -389,240 +138,14 @@ function PileMonitor() {
- const h_columns = [
- {
- title: "停车订单ID",
- dataIndex: "park_id",
- key: "park_id",
- width: 200,
- align: "center",
- render: (text) => (
- <>
- {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${text}`).then(() => {
- message.success("已复制到剪切板");
- });
- }}
- >
- {text}
- >
- ),
- },
- {
- title: "车牌号",
- dataIndex: "plate",
- key: "plate",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "停车场名称",
- dataIndex: "park_name",
- key: "park_name",
- align: "center",
- width: 200,
- },
- {
- title: "入场时间",
- dataIndex: "in_time",
- key: "in_time",
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- title: "计费时间",
- dataIndex: "admission_time",
- key: "admission_time",
- align: "center",
- },
- ];
- const [detailVisible, setDetailVisible] = useState(false);
const [tableData, setTableData] = useState([]);
const [total, setTotal] = useState(0);
- const [tabKey, setTabKey] = useState("1");
- // 车场id
- const [parkId, setParkId] = useState("");
- //支付记录数据
- const [payRecord, setPayRecord] = useState([]);
- //退款订单数据
- const [refundRecord, setRefundRecord] = useState([]);
- //操作记录数据
- const [operationRecord, setOperatorRecord] = useState([]);
- //历史处理数据
- const [historyProgressRecord, setHistoryProgressRecord] = useState([]);
- //停车记录信息数据
- const [parkingRecordDetail, setParkingRecordDetail] = useState({});
- //当前的所选择的停车信息索引
- const [recordIndex, setRecordIndex] = useState(-1);
- //当前所选择的订单ID
- const [currentRecordID, setCurrentRecordID] = useState("");
- //历史记录详情Modal
- const [historyVisible, setHistoryVisible] = useState(false);
- //历史记录详情的弹窗查看全部
- const [isShowAll, setIsShowAll] = useState(false);
- //历史记录车辆图片弹窗
- const [platePhototModal, setPlatePhotoModal] = useState(false);
- //历史记录详情数据
- const [historyDataDetail, setHistoryDataDetail] = useState({});
- const [DataDetail, setDataDetail] = useState({});
- function openModal(index, record) {
- setDetailVisible(true);
- setParkingRecordDetail(record);
- setHistoryDataDetail(record)
- setRecordIndex(index);
- }
- const handleImgError = (e) => {
- let evn = e || event
- let img = evn.srcElement ? evn.srcElement : evn.target
- img.src = errorImg
- }
- function changeKey(key) {
- setTabKey(key);
- switch (key) {
- case "2":
- getPaymentRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "3":
- getRefundRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "4":
- getOperateRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- case "5":
- getHistoryRecord(currentRecordID);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- function renderParkRecord(item) {
- return (
- item && (
- {item.road}
- {item.berth_id}
- {item.region}
- {item.operator}
- {item.road_type}
- {item.plate}
- {item.phone}
- {item.in_time}
- {item.out_time}
- {item.admission_time}
- {item.order_amount}
- {item.parking_card_discount}
- {item.road_discount}
- {item.receivable_amount}
- {item.coupon }
- {item.preferential_amount}
- {item.actual_amount}
- {item.refund_discount}
- {item.actual_refund}
- {item.refund_total}
- {item.in_person}
- {item.out_person}
- )
- );
- }
- //查看历史详情
- const [getHistoryData,setGetHistoryData]=useState({})
- function checkHistoryDetail(record) {
- setGetHistoryData(record);
- setHistoryVisible(true);
- }
- function renderModalTable(columns, dataSource) {
- return (
- );
- }
- //获取订单的支付记录
- function getPaymentRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getPaymentRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setPayRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取退款订单的接口
- function getRefundRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getRefundRecord({ park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setRefundRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取操作处理的接口
- function getOperateRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getOperateRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- setOperatorRecord(res.data.list);
- }
- });
- }
- //获取历史处理记录的接口
- function getHistoryRecord(park_id) {
- ajax.getHistoryRecord({ park_record_id: park_id }).then((res) => {
- if (res.status === 20000) {
- // res.data.list.map(res=>{
- setHistoryProgressRecord(res.data.list);
- // })
- }
- });
- }
function search(params) {
- ajax.getParkingList(params).then((res) => {
+ ajax.getPileMonitor(params).then((res) => {
if (res.status === 20000) {
@@ -631,10 +154,6 @@ function PileMonitor() {
- useEffect(() => {
- // setParkingRecordDetail(tableData[recordIndex]);
- setCurrentRecordID(tableData[recordIndex]?.park_id || "");
- }, [recordIndex]);
return (
@@ -642,14 +161,14 @@ function PileMonitor() {
- pagename="停车记录查询"
- mandatory={['plate','berth_id']}
- mandatory_name={['车牌号或泊位号']}
- pageName={'parkRecordTotal'}
+ pagename="电桩监控"
+ // mandatory={['plate','berth_id']}
+ // mandatory_name={['车牌号或泊位号']}
+ pageName={'pileMonitor'}
- exportUrl="/api/bpm/record/get_record_export"
+ // exportUrl="/api/bpm/record/get_record_export"
diff --git a/src/services/NewEnergy/index.js b/src/services/NewEnergy/index.js
index d1a45b4..16e16cb 100644
--- a/src/services/NewEnergy/index.js
+++ b/src/services/NewEnergy/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import chargingMgm from './chargingMgm'
+import realtimeMonitor from './realtimeMonitor'
export default {
- ...chargingMgm
+ ...chargingMgm,
+ ...realtimeMonitor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/services/NewEnergy/realtimeMonitor.js b/src/services/NewEnergy/realtimeMonitor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c3949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/NewEnergy/realtimeMonitor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import ajax from "@/config/ajax"
+const getPileMonitor = (params) => {
+ return ajax({
+ url: "/api/new_power/realtime_monitor/pile_monitor/get_record_list",
+ type: "post",
+ data: params,
+ });
+export default{
+ getPileMonitor,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/services/index.js b/src/services/index.js
index 76c1d02..abcce60 100644
--- a/src/services/index.js
+++ b/src/services/index.js
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import FinancialMgm from "./FinancialMgm";
import DataAnalysisPrediction from "./DataAnalysisPrediction";
import ParkingOverview from "./ParkingOverview";
import OffPeak from "./OffPeak";
+import NewEnergy from "./NewEnergy";
const api = {};
export default {
@@ -50,5 +51,6 @@ export default {
- ...OffPeak
+ ...OffPeak,
+ ...NewEnergy