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# Logs logs *.log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log*
# Runtime data pids *.pid *.seed *.pid.lock
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover lib-cov
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul coverage
# nyc test coverage .nyc_output
# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) .grunt
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) bower_components
# node-waf configuration .lock-wscript
# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) build/Release
# Dependency directories node_modules/ jspm_packages/
# TypeScript v1 declaration files typings/
# Optional npm cache directory .npm package-lock.json yarn.lock
# Optional eslint cache .eslintcache
# Optional REPL history .node_repl_history
# Output of 'npm pack' *.tgz
# Yarn Integrity file .yarn-integrity
# dotenv environment variables file .env
# next.js build output .next
# Editor directories and files .idea .vscode *.suo *.ntvs* *.njsproj *.sln *.sw*
# file system cache .cache
# project build output dist /lib /es
# production /build
# mac system cache .DS_Store